Till The End|Chapter 11

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~Family, Jealousy~

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~Family, Jealousy~


We hadn't even been back that long, with the group we brang back and the fact we slaughters allot of lower generation vampires it was absolutely dangerous going back out there.

I sighed, I laid down on my bed. I had so much on my mind and on top of it Ivana had been avoiding me since she revealed that she would like me to kiss her. The way she made me feel was different, I had never had anybody since this apocalypse began and now I was learning so much stuff about who I was and how I was created.

Now that I found out that somebody was legit created to be with me forever, to have a future with me I was shocked. I expected to live alone and maybe end up getting murdered by a vampire down the line, but now I have a whole bunch of people who want the world to change or burn.

Vampires, Humans and other mythological creatures actually exist. I always thought zombies were myths, but it turns out they were basically failed vampire creations. I wasn't even a actual vampire, nor was I a an actual zombie which confused me because there was no mention of what I was.

Vampires didnt have zombie blood, and zombies did but they weren't alive nor immortal like vampires were. I sighed, I got up and started to strip naked maybe a shower would clear my head.

I walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower and walking inside. I turned the water to the highest temperature, because that was the only way my body actually reacted to the water. I guess it's because zombie blood is boiling basically, but who knows I need to ask Lady Lee for that book on vampire/zombie creations and see if there is anything about me.

I heard the door open, I looked and saw Ivana entering the bathroom. She was all sweaty, and she looked tired as she walked in and started washing her face. I noticed the ear buds in her ear, I was shocked to find her listening to music I thought that finding electronics that still worked was difficult.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist, getting out of the shower since I was finished. I tapped Ivana's shoulder, she jumped high and turned around her cheeks as red as a apple or blood but oh well.

"H-H-Hi Kennedy." She stuttered, I rolled my eyes and grabbed the tooth brush I grabbed from the supply room.

I started brushing, she continued washing her face and brushing her teeth. I made sure my whole mouth was clean, not leaving anything behind as she finished drying her face throwing her hair in a ponytail. She kept looking at me, her face was flushed past belief and she looked shy and timid.

I walked towards her, she started backing away looking anywhere but at me while biting her lip until her back touched my closed door. I trapped her in my arms, smirking at how I made her react.

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