Till The End|Chapter 15

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Everything hurt, I felt flames inside my veins that I had never felt before. My skin was pale and almost transparent like paper barely sticking to my bones.

Sores were developing on my back, my legs and my neck. I couldn't cry, my vocal cords were unusable and I felt like a vegetable.  I couldn't move far distances and even the slightest bump caused deep black bruises to form in minutes. The doctors monitored me like clockwork; one always in the room with me like I would explode and a gun that was attached to their hip as they acted like I didn't notice.

The door was locked; you couldn't get in without a key. Kennedy visited me a couple times but I could feel the fear emitting of her in waves as she looked at me falling apart, I stopped the doctors from telling her my progress believing that allowing her to be in the dark was safer even if the doctors told me everything looked good.

My body was transitioning; yet i didn't feel right. I felt sick, my body was destroying itself and that gut feeling I wasn't going to make it got stronger while my brain wasn't allowing me peace.  I struggled to walk haunted by a false image of myself; talking to myself inside my head like a crazy person knowing they were going insane.

Kennedy doesn't love you the image infront of me taunted; my face moving in the mirror as I watched the vibrant side of me smirking.

She does! She does! I would scream back; the true image of myself shining through with her broken eyes and bald head.

Look at you? You're ugly and weak! The voice taunted as I looked at my slowly decaying body; I was ugly and falling apart.

You're right I would reply almost every single time I heard that voice inside my head; I was watching myself decay while the people around me told me I was going to survive.

"Hey Ivana." Kennedy whispered, she looked so afraid.

That humanity I barely believed she had was shinning through, I could feel it inside me holding on to a small hope and I prayed that if it died, that she wouldn't harm the people I cared about and wouldn't destroy us.

"I know you can't talk, you're so beautiful." She whispered, I knew she wasn't lying.

It didn't matter how I looked right now because Kennedy truly thought I was beautiful, yet we knew almost nothing about each other.She was an amazing dancer and a gorgoeus fighter but besides that I was at a lose and part of me hoped I would survive to learn about her.

"I have been using your room until they cleaned mine, kids thought pranks were fun." Kennedy muttered; a smile played on my lips.

"Oh you think this is funny eh?" She smirked, I shrugged but it hurt.

"I'm sorry for putting you through this." She sighed; her eyes not as bright.

I shook my head and mouthed "I like you so much." She smiled, I knew it wasn't love yet but IF I turned I knew it would be, because who would stay next to their dying mate until their fate was determined? 

I felt my eyes close, it wasn't a choice. I constantly felt tired and sore and I always felt bad when I fell asleep on Kennedy telling me about our friends and how worried they were about me but I couldn't keep my eyes from closing cause all I wanted to do was sleep.

Then everything was bright, like a thousand stars exploding through my eyelids. I felt myself floating through the skies, the bright lights filling me with warmth and happiness. I could see my parents, I watched them smile at me holding their hands out to touch me pulling me closer to their hearts as I begged for their warmth.

Then I felt cold; dark and empty and the sound of machines beeping around me.

"She's back!" A doctor screamed, I could hear the sound of Kennedy crying a sound I never wanted to hear again but I couldn't control the darkness taking over.


She died, only for 2 minutes but it happened. The doctors kept telling me it was normal and her body was struggling to survive the many things that was happening inside. They couldn't tell me if she was going to live or die cause Ivana had taken that right away from me.

I could see the doctors looking at me with pity as tears fell from my eyes, my emotions had faded over the years from the lack of humanity but I could feel it breaking down walls inside me spewing out like lava down my cheeks.

For once I felt slightly human; clinging onto a emotion foreign to even me after years of feeling nothing but anger I actually felt fear and the idea of loss scared me inside. I remembered my parents and my mother and how she smothered my brother to save him but never saved me.

I was stuck in this body; watching the girl who was supposed to live by my side forever battle a war between dying and becoming a monster or becoming a vampire like I was.  A fate I wished on nobody, be the monster that took the world for us or become the monster who gets shot in the head by a gun.

I watched her chest rise up and down as she slept, I felt myself loosing control of my sanity. The monster in the back of my head slowly was pushing through, it wanted control and it wasn't happy.  I walked out of the room, I needed to get the anger out of me and allow the monster to take control.

I left the safe house, my friends behind me just for a quick mission of zombies being near a supply drop of area. I would kill them all; shot them straight in the head and watch them die infront of me with their blood on my hands.

I would allow the monster out, cause if I didn't I would turn into her. It all depended on Ivanas survival, would she live and I stay sane or would she die and I would loose my mind.





See you in Chapter 16!
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter & Instagram for updates; if you can't find the updates I apologize because I've been all over and updating has been really difficult.

I love you my kitties; stay loyal

I love you my kitties; stay loyal

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