Till The End|Chapter 8

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~We're Mates Anyway~

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~We're Mates Anyway~


I stood there staring at her, her cheeks were flushed and she was holding the towel tight to her body.

"I didn't know!" I said, quickly. 

She nodded, I wanted to stay in the bathroom. I went to quickly wash my face so I could leave, today was awkward and I couldn't believe I was destined to be with somebody.

"It's okay, don't rush." Ivana said, it was sudden and it was almost like a squeak coming from her mouth.

"It's fine, I'll hurry up." I said, if a vampire could blush I'd be as red as blood right now.

"We are mates anyway." She said, then proceeded to drop her towel.

My eyes widened, yet I couldn't look away as my eyes saw the way her body curved. She was a woman alright, hidden under all that apocalyptic gear was something so amazing I wanted to hide it from the world.  I trailed my eyes from her long beautiful, legs up the curve of her hips and the small peek of her core.  I looked at her flat stomach, the way her torso met her breast and they curved small but perky with cute pink nipples.  The best part was the way her cheeks flushed, her eyes fluttered at they were looking at me for a response.

"Your fucking gorgeous." I said, I wanted nothing more to touch every inch of her.

"Thank you." She whispered, then turned on the shower. 

I watched her amazingly shaped ass turn away from me, what caught my eye was the scar from her right shoulder blade down to her left hip but I said nothing and whistled lightly.  She ducked into the shower and all I saw was her tinted cheeks, I left the bathroom to give her some privacy.

I sat in my room, it wasn't my thing but I made it work.  After asking Ivana if I could hang pictures, she proceeded to tell me all rooms were all sound proof so I didn't have to worry about bugging anyone.  I managed to hang every picture I had, of my family and then my best friend. 

I stood, and started to change.  Even though Ivana had a scar, I had more even as a vampire with Zombie blood.  I kept a scar from before I changed, it was a big scar from when I was in a car accident with my mother and they did a emergency surgery to save my life.  I was glad to have one thing to remember, being perfect wasn't something I strived for.

I sighed, I went to the small dresser to find a sports bra or something.  I felt comfortable standing naked, I knew I was safe here and I didn't need to panic or anything.  

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