Till The End|Chapter 12

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~Be Warned~

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~Be Warned~


"Continue flirting with her, leave me the fuck alone." Kennedy said, her eyes glowing with jealousy.

"Kennedy!" I yelled, but she had already slammed the door loud causing everyone to wince.

"Blood mate! She is your blood mate!" Vex glared, she was angry at me and I felt disgusted in myself.

"I...I don't." I stuttered, I was so confused.

"You flirted with me, made me assume your single while you had a fucking blood mate? What type of god damn person are you!?" Vex yelled, I flinched and sat down feeling light headed.

"A horrible person, I feel weird." I said, it was true ever since we got back from the rescue mission of the scavenger group I just felt weird.

"I can't believe you." Blaire said, she never looked disappointed but at this moment that was the main emotion in her eyes.

"Blaire I'm not condoning my actions, but to be completely honest I don't even remember how we got there or how we returned." I said, my memory was absolutely blank.

"Seriously?" Gust said, he looked at me and gasped.

"You didn't look like this when we left." Gust said, everyone looked at me and I stood up and went to the mirror.

My skin was pale, my dark hair was getting lighter. My eyes looked pale, broken and I had bags under my eyes. There was this pulsating pain in my chest, anger was in my veins as I felt hatred towards myself.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, Vex scoffed and headed for the door.

"Where you going?" Blaire asked, vex gave her a look.

"Going to apologise before she explodes and rips out my throat." Vex said, eyes emotionless.

"I doubt that." Gust said, but vex gave him a hard look and I could see he was uncomfortable by her stare.

"You all have a lot to learn about blood mates, jealousy is a powerful emotions for vampires." Vex said, then walked out the door.

I sighed and continued to de-prep all my stuff and check the condition of all my stuff to make sure it was safe, my mind was racing trying to figure out what the hell I did on this trip. It went smoothly, cause Gust was hugging his wife and son like they were the air to his universe as he went to show then around and notify Lady Lee of their arrival.

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