Till The End|Chapter 4

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~Don't Be The Enemy~

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~Don't Be The Enemy~


I was so exhausted, I plopped on the couch and sighed knowing the sun had effects on me that truly sucked.

When I was human my favourite hobby was bathing in sunlight, yet now it wasn't possible and it had it's effects on my humanity. I got up wincing, and made my way to the kitchen pouring myself a glass of blood to boost my strengths.

I decided I had to dance, or my body was going to be Zombie stiff later and it was the last thing I needed with all the drama lately. I felt uneasy but through it of because I was legit just covered in zombie blood, and got back from a safety area that followed me with guns every step I took inside.

I made my way to the dance studio, all I was wearing was a pair of booty shorts and a tank top. I hated my body, it had grown unbelievably after the transformation. I went from flat chested to a C cup, I had curves and as all vampires are I was absolutely gorgeous yet I didn't want any of it.

I liked having flaws, and being vampire you couldn't have anything. I did some warm up stretches, and then turned on the first song I could play. I laughed how it was about love, I didn't believe in it now that I was vampire. I knew what I was attracted too which was both male and females, but even at 15 I still preferred girls more because we'll guys were assholes.

A/N 2:26 - girl in pink sweater, I think she's the best choice for how I see Kennedys dance style.

I heard clapping, I felt every part of my body freeze as I turned. His skin was ghostly pale, his smile bright and warm while his eyes a forest green I had seen every single day in this world.

I ran towards him and pinned him against the wall, with my hand holding his neck. His eyes widened in surprise at my strength, the mirror behind him barely holding on by the way I held him there.

"Who the fuck are you!" I growled, I felt my body shake at the fact somebody was invading my space.

"N-N-Nicolas." He said, I growled loud and released him.

A/N (Picture Above Of Nicolas)

In a few seconds he was standing and had me pinned against the other side of the room, his anger was radiant yet for some reason this feeling bubbled in my stomach. I hadn't saw another male my age in years, I hadn't seen anybody my age in years except for the guy at the safety area who was just a little too curious.

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