Till The End|Chapter 14

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I laughed, he was funny and I needed that. We sat together outside my damn destroyed room just talking about random shit that we still did to keep our humanity in tact.

"What do you do for fun?" He asked, I was really happy about meeting him.

"Dance, I dance." I replied, my cheek hurt from smiling.

"I use to dance, but I'm more of a piano man." He replied, I just realized I didn't know his name.

"What's your name?" I asked, I saw his eyes dim slightly.

"My Elvish name is Argus." He whispered but I felt the name didn't fit him.

"Hmm Arthur? That's a nice name." I replied pretending I didn't hear what he said.

"What's yours?" Arthur replied, I could see the slight happy smile on his lips.

"Kennedy." I replied, he smiled.

"Well Kennedy, I want us be good friends." Arthur replied, I knew that wasn't his name but i felt as though his real name was a bringer of bad memories.

"Did you have a Blood Mate?" I asked him, I saw his eyes dim

"I shot her through the head when she became a zombie." He spoke, I felt my heart break for him.

"Mine is going through the change as we speak." I said and his eyes snapped to mine, a softness was held in them.

"It's hard wondering what is going to happen, if your going to be happy or if your going to have to shoot your love through the head." He said, and I nodded in agreement, that was all that was running through my head.

Ivana was the only person throughout the years I've been this vampire with zombie blood that I've felt for. Sure I had a soft spot for children not because I emotionally felt for them but because that small string of humanity inside told me that it was the right thing to do and if I was still human that side would help them.  The first time I slept with anybody was that bastard whose brother is the reason the world is overrun by zombies controlled by vampires.

Why days of peace and laughter; kids playing hopscotch or laughing around a campfire are now days of hiding under cars and underground hoping the monsters don't find you. Where kids instead of smiling are tainted with fears that no amount of bedtime stories could cure and I wanted to burn them all. I wanted all the monsters to suffer and be destroyed at the palm of my hands until the world is able to be reshaped back to the beautiful days.

"I can see the fury in your eyes, this world is destruction." Author spoke, I looked at him that same fuel in his eyes.

"I want them to all burn." I replied, he smiled snapping his fingers to show a small flame.

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