Till The End|Chapter 5

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~She's Just Ashes~

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~She's Just Ashes~


I had fell asleep, the first time in years had my body voluntarily fell asleep without forcing myself was weird. Vampires didn't need sleep, they only hibernated when the sun was out and that was more of a rest.

After the guy named Nicolas left, my body gave out and I just laid in bed and let the distant feeling take over my system. I was surprised to find I had slept a whole day away and was well into the night, my curiosity was burning in my toes at why this group I had never heard of wanted me.

Was my voice that powerful, was I really supposed to be a weapon against the royals. Yet I wasn't sure if I wanted to demolish this apocalypse with the help of the same specie who ripped my chances away to die with my family.

Then again I couldn't forgive whoever created this apocalypse to begin with. The Vampires came out of no where, their abilities far suppressed many of the army men who had tried. The whole world had seen the last of their guns charging into battle, just to hear the world be destroyed even more.

It went so far down hill, from the beautiful city it once was just an abandoned waste land. I never went back to the place my parents raised me, I never brang anything from there in hopes I could erase the memories.

I sat up and walked toward the shower, I grabbed some apocalyptic gear and decided to go scavengering for flesh since the feeling had been burning into the back of my skull since I woke up.

I made sure to keep everything tight, but my weapons loose. I didn't need another mess up like last night where I didn't cover my tracks. I guess seeing my aunt & uncle really did bug me more than I thought it did, but I knew I truly couldn't go back there.

I walked out, locked and covered the door then I heard a cough and I looked over and groaned. I felt zero attraction to this guy after last night, now he looked ugly even if he wasn't.

"What!?" I growled, I still didn't like him near my stuff.

"Ah, still territorial?" He asked, I rolled my eyes.

"Does it look like I have much stuff to call my own?" I asked, he sighed and shrugged while leaning against a tree.

"Where you going?" He asked, I wanted to rip his head off.

"Scavengering." I replied, why was I talking to him again?

"Why?" He asked, I was getting agitated I didn't think vampires asked this many questions.

"Flesh." I said, bluntly as possible I heard him laughing until I looked at him with a serious expression.

"Ew! Gross, why?" He said, I rolled my eyes as his reaction.

"I have zombie blood in my system remember? It comes with this amazing flesh craving." I said, with a sarcastic voice that made me sound snobby.

"Oh, I forgot." He said simply, I noticed what he was wearing.

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