Till The End|Chapter 6

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~Royally Screwed~

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~Royally Screwed~


We were running, I was beyond pissed at Nicolas for not sharing that important information. He was the LEADERS little brother, which meant he was a first generation vampire.

"I'm sorry!" Nicolas said, I growled at him and continued running.

"I DO not want to hear it until we are back at my house!" I replied, my voice filled with so much anger.

I was pissed, I had killed a fourth generation vampire with my own hands to protect a guy who didn't tell me what I was getting into. I just put myself in jeopardy of being a target for the royals, I knew it would be a while before they realized of my existence.

When we got back to my home, I was still boiling inside. I moved the camouflage wood I had to hide the entrance, I slammed the steal door open and I heard Nicolas whimper at how angry I was. I looked at him and his head dropped, for an attractive high leveled vampire he acted like a child.

Did I really sleep with this guy?

I sighed, motioned for him to enter and locked the door behind me making sure to put the wood in place to avoid unwanted visitors. I bolted the door and it locked, I removed my weapons and went into the kitchen pouring myself a pretty big glass of blood and began to drink.

"I'm sorry." He said, I glared at him.

"I walked around with you! A big as target will be on my head now!" I yelled, slamming the cup down he winced.

"They didn't see who you are, there are millions of vampires who want the royals killed!" He defended, but I glared hard.

"How many vampires can kill a fourth generation!?" I yelled, his eyes grew and his head slumped.

"Only people above them." He said, I sighed running a hand through my pale purple hair.

"We're royally fucked because of you." I said, finishing my blood.


A group of vampires sat around a table, zombies snarled and growled around them in rows as they looked at each other.

The room was hostile, everyone was on edge as the emergency meeting had been forced upon them without any information. The smell of blood filled the air, slaves were present pinned to the walks as their wrists held needles to drain them of their blood. They screamed, some didn't bother and others laid there almost lifeless waiting for their demise.

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