Chapter 1

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My name's Eren. I think the Maria Pack is a pretty good pack. We don't get into a lot of fights. So I'd say it's pretty safe. There is one pack we've been watching out for. The Titan Pack. Besides them we're okay. I'm currently going for a walk. Boring, I know. But the scene is pretty. Lot's of green. Shrubs with multitudes of flowers on them. Giant green tree's. The sun going down. All pretty. But that also means I should go home. Dinner then to bed. My sister and parents are probably waiting. I told them where I was going though! I don't always break the rules. As I reach our house out of the cluster of similar ones I notice a delicious smell. I enter and call out my family's names.

"In the kitchen!"

    My mother shouts back. I turn and head for the kitchen. My mom is chopping up vegetables. Mikasa is setting the table.

"Why all this food?"

I question. My mother laughs.

"Because, it's your birthday dinner!"


I blink as I remember today is my birthday. The entire day and I didn't realize it was my birthday. Which means I've finally turned 18. This means I can really search for my mate. When a wolf reaches the age of 18 they kind of mature. Before we turn 18 we can still kind of tell who our mate is but the way of finding them is much easier when we're 18 and older. We can smell their scent and locate them better.

"Don't tell me you forgot again."

Mikasa says.

"What, no! Of course I remember!"

She sighs and my mom laughs.

"Anyways! Who's ready to eat!"

    A while later we finish eating. My dad hands me a small present. It's a rock. It has a print of a wolf paw and there's swirling lines around it. I thank them then say I'm tired and am heading to bed. They excuse me and I dash up the stairs. I set the rock on my dresser and go take a quick shower before changing and getting into bed. I'm out like a light.

I'm woken up to screams and me being rocked back and forth.

"Eren! Wake up!"

    I open my eyes to see me mother shaking me. Her eyes are looking at me worriedly. Mikasa is standing behind her and also looks slightly frightened.

"What. What's wrong?"

"They've come. The Titan Pack have come. We must hurry and leave."

She ushers me and Mikasa down the stairs and out the back door. We dash into the forest but as we're running we hear a familiar cry. Me and Mikasa turn and we see Armin. We call him over and he looks up and gladly follows. We take off running again. As we're running I trip. Of course I trip. I go down with a shout and my mother turns around and rushes to me. We all heard the crack. She bends down and rips a cloth off her skirt. There's a loud howl and we can hear the bad wolves pouding towards us. She quickly wraps my leg and raises me. Her and Armin lead me over to a wolf Mikasa. After I'm situated on her back with Armin my mother turns back around. Mikasa starts running and I scream out after my mother. Her body shifts into her wolf form and as we run away I hear the sounds of battle then a loud whine and a crack. Then I'm out.

    I wake up to find myself on Armins blonde wolf. He's walking slowly and I move to see a sleeping Mikasa beside me. My mind goes back and runs through what happend. I remember the loud whine and the sound of my mother's bones cracking under the pressure of of the bad wolf's jaws. I silently cry myself back to sleep.

    I'm awoken again by the sound of growling two wolves are in front of us. Both growling. Mikasa's wolf in crouched in front of me and a now awake Armin. She's growling back. She turns back human and the two wolves soon follow. One has light brown hair that's darker down below. He has a face that resembles a horses. He's staring kind of dazed at Mikasa and she's looking at him the same way. The other boy has black hair and freckles sprinkled over his face. He's kind of smiling but also stern. He speaks first.

"State your business for crossing our territory."

Mikasa looks away from the horse face and frowns.

"We mean no harm. Just passing."

The horse face speaks.

"If your rouges you best leave if you know what's good for you."

I snicker which receives me a glare from Mikasa.

"No. You know as well as I do what just happened."

She's looking at horse face and takes a few steps towards him.

"We're part of the Maria Pack."

Horse face and freckles exchange a look.

"We thought there were no survivors. We have to talk to the alpha."

Both boys nod and turn back to us.

"State your names."

Mikasa speaks up.

"I'm Mikasa Ackerman. This is my brother Eren Jaeger, and our friend Armin Arlert."

Horse face looks questiongly at freckles.

"Ackerman. Huh?"

Freckles speaks up.

"Just got the okay from Hanji. Let's bring them in."

Horse face nods. Mikasa walks to stand next to him while we walk. They start talking in whispers. Armin helps me walk since I'm still hurt. We reach a giant castle like building and before we can go in a lady with a brown ponytail and glasses bursts out the door and races over to us. She starts talking to fast for me to keep up but Armin nods his head like he understands. She stops short and takes in my bad leg.

"To my office!"

She exclaims.


"To my office! All of you! We will discuss what happened to you there while I fix this handsome young man's leg."
    I stutter when she calls me handsome but I'm already being carried after her. We arrive in her office. There's lots of medical supplies along with assorted tubes and jars. The lady is Hanji. Horse faces name is Jean and freckles is Marco. Mikasa soon informs us that Jean is her destined mate. She's 19 and 18 is when a wolves senses really kick in for finding your destined mate. I'm 18 and Armin is 17. I haven't found my mate but I long for the day I do. I don't mind if it's a boy or girl. I just want to find the one for me. Speaking of which, there's been a weird scent in the air I've been attracted to. It's a musky mint smell. But I can't go follow it to see what it is. I feel a sharp pain in my leg and look down to see it's unwrapped and the skin is healing over. I hear a little click as everything's returned to place. Hanji claps.

"Done! Told ya you'd be fine! Anyways! I hear you're the only survivors of the Maria Pack?"

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