Chapter 7

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After fighting with Mikasa I was starving. I don't like fighting with her but sometimes I have to. I wasn't going to let her down talk my mate. I didn't really like hers either! I made my way into the kitchen and found Sasha licking her fingers clean.

"Hey. What're you doing?"

She whipped around and smiled at me.


I smile back.

"Give me some."

She shakes her head sending her hair flying in different directions.

"No idea what you're on about."


She rolls her eyes.

"Fine. It's chocolate chip cookie dough. But you can't tell anyone it's here. They'll want some to."

I hold my hands up.

"I won't. Promise."


She reaches behind her and grabs a gallon bucket of cookie dough.

"Sasha that's huge! How could you not have enough!"

She shrugs.

"It takes me like, 20 mins to eat the entire thing."


"Shhhh! Nobody can hear you!"

"Okay, fine. I'm just saying, that's very unusual."

I sigh as she hands me the tub.


She questions.

"So what?"

She raises and eyebrow at me and huffs.

"The kitchen isn't that far away from the 'special' meeting room."

She comments. Making sure to emphasize the word special. I laugh and shake my head.

"Just an overprotective sister. Nothing i'm not used to."

She nods.

"Understandable. She does look kind of frightening. I'm surprised that her and Jean are mates. I didn't think a guy like him could even come close to a girl like her. Or even a girl in general."

I break down into laugher and Sasha soon follows.


After the bicker between siblings Eren leaves and Mikasa storms out not far behind. Armin shoots us an apologetic look before scurrying out after Mikasa. I'm left with Hanji, Erwin, and Petra. Petra pats me on the shoulder and skips out the door. I glare at her before turning to Hanji and Erwin. Hanji giggles evilly and Erwin just shakes his head.


I command.

"Nothing. Just, thinking about your mate. Very unique isn't he?"

Erwin asks. I roll my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Could we please refrain from this talk. I'd like to wait a while."

Erwin shrugs in agreement.

"Sure, i'm just wondering when you're going to tell the pack. Also when you're gonna mark each other. And what'll you do when it's time for the next alpha."

"I get it!"

I shout, glaring at him.

"This is gonna be a hard process but I don't care. He's the one and I can't live without him."

There's a giggle from off to the side and I turn my glare to Hanji.

"What now shitty glasses."

She tilts her head at me and smiles.

"You are so in love with him."

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