The End (Sorry)

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(Words literally cannot describe how sorry I am it took so long for me to do this.

This was one of my first pieces of writing and I eventually just lost inspiration and I haven't been following AOT for quite awhile now.

This will be the last chapter and it will have the last parts I haven't posted and a few ideas from future parts that I'll never get to.

Thank you to everyone who waited and I'm so incredibly sorry!)


"So? How are things over there?"

"They're fine! Everything's in tip top shape!"

"Why do I feel like you're up to something."

I growl through the phone.

"Don't worry! I have everything under control!"

Hanji replies from the other end.

"And Eren? How's he?"

"Oh he's fine! Him and his friends went to the human town to go shopping!"

"The human town?"

"Yeah. Don't worry. I know Mikasa will make sure he's alright."

"You lent them your car didn't you."

"I did."

"Why would you come up with such a stupid idea when there are wolves out for blood to get their hands on him!"

"He's got Mikasa! She wouldn't let anything happen to either of them."

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"You're giving me a headache. Just make sure nothing happens to him. Okay?"

"I won't!"

"Thank you."

I hang up and toss my phone onto the side table. What a pain. I shouldn't of left. It was a stupid idea to leave Hanji in charge of Eren.


"Thanks for taking me to town with you."

"It's no problem. Like I said, you needed it."

"Sorry it was ruined."

I look down at the ground.

"It would've been better if people weren't trying to get me."

Armin shakes his head.

"It's not your fault Eren. You didn't do anything."

"Still, I feel like we can't do anything because I'm an omega. Everyone is after me. Plus now Levi's going to be gone for a year. I'm going to be alone and I don't know what I'm going to do."

"Well, if you want to do anything just know that I'm here."

I smile and sling an arm over his shoulder.

"I'm counting on you."

He laughs and shoves me lightly.

"Go talk to Hangi. If you're bored go into the village."

"Will you be at the bookstore?"


I nod and move away from him.

"I'll go talk to her. See ya."


He waves and walks in the other direction. I turn and make my way towards Hanji's office. When I get there the door is shut and things are clanking around. I knock and wait for an answer.


The noise stops before her voice rings through.

"Eren! Come in!"

I open the door and push it lightly open. She stands up and ushers me in.

"Don't just stay out there. Come in."

I do and pause as she moves some stuff.

"So, what do you need?"

"We ran into some people in town."

At this she looks up questiongly.


"I think her name was Annie? She said some things. We think there's going to be an attack soon."

"What did she say?"

"Something about bringing some more friends and visiting."

Hanji nods solemnly.

"Not good. We need to make sure all guards are ready and standing watch. We can't have you going out either. If they're after you we need to make sure you're safe."
"I understand."

"Good. Where did your friends go?"

"Armin's in town and Mikasa went to find Jean."

"Okay. I suggest you stay inside for now. I know Sasha could always use some company in the kitchen."

I snort before turning and offering Hanji a final wave goodbye.

"I guess I'm going to go eat out our pantry with her then. See ya later."

"Save some for me!"

She calls out as I let the door fall shut behind me.

(Birth of their daughter Lily)

The pains gone and I can hear a baby crying. My baby crying. We never thought it was possible. But it is.I'm beyond happy it is. I feel Levi squeeze my hand and I return the squeeze. A nurse walks over holding a small wrapped figure in her arms. She smiles at us.

"Congratulations. It's a girl."

She extends her arms out and I take my baby. I cradle her against my chest and I can feel the tears falling. I take her in. She has my tan skin and brown hair but Levi's eyes. She's beautiful. All the drama and pain was worth it. She quiets down and we look at each other.

"I'm so happy we found each other."

Levi whispers. I look at him and take in the words. Found. The word repeats in my head over and over again. Then I hear my mother's voice. "You will be found." More tears start to fall. This is what she meant. Then, almost like a whisper in my ear I hear her. "You have been found."

(Lily being protective over her little brother Ani)

"NO! Ani is my brover! You can't mess wif him!"

I watch lovingly as Lily stands up for her little brother. She's only three but her alpha blood is already showing. She's protective just like her father. I wouldn't be surprised if she did try to hit. She's just like her father.

(It's been so long since I've written for this and looking back I can see how much I've grown as a writer.

I will always look back at this as my first steps into the writing world and I'm so happy that I got to share this with everyone.

Again, I'm sorry that I never finished this.

Thank you to everyone who stuck around. I greatly appreciate it!)

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