Chapter 17

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We found Mikasa outside training with Jean. With a small wave to Mikasa we sat back and watched. I have to say, it was quite enjoyable to watch Jean get knocked on his ass. After about the third time he put his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, okay. You win.

She nodded before walking over and coming to a stop in front of us.

"I assume you want something."

"Me and Armin are going into the human town. Wanna come?"

"Sure. It'd be nice to get away. Let me take a shower real quick then we can go."

I nod and she walks back towards Jean. She kisses him quickly on the cheek before patting his head and disappearing around the corner. He frowns and glares at me.

"Why are all Ackermans such good fighters?"

I snort and shake my head.

"Only to you buddy."

"You mean he doesn't go hard on you like that?"

"Nope. Only you."

"She doesn't even to you?!?!"


He growls.

"You're really pissing me off Jager."

"I don't know why you're shocked. They both love me. But, don't worry. I hate you too."

He rolls his eyes.

"Good to know."

He turns and walks the same way back into the castle.

"Eren, I think you should try to get along with him. He is Mikasa's mate."

I look at Armin confused.

"He acts the same way. We just don't get along. I'm surprised we haven't fought yet."


"I'm just saying."

Armin sighs just as Mikasa comes around the corner.

"That was quick."

She shrugs.

"I can be fast. Now let's go."

We all head around to the front and fine Hanjis car. Armin tosses the keys to Mikasa and she catches the easily. She gets in the drivers side and I get in the passengers side. Armin gets in the back and after we're all buckled Mikasa starts driving. She pulls out then we're on the road. After about 20 minutes we arrive at the town. There's people walking up and down the street window shopping. Stores line the road and Mikasa looks for an empty space to park. Once she finds one she shuts off the car and turns to us.

"We will not seperate. Got it?"

Me and Armin both nod before she unlocks the car and we all get out. We gather on the sidewalk before she speaks again.

"Do either of you have money?"


"I uh- forgot."

Mikasa gives us knowing looks.

"You both are lucky I have money."

"Thanks Mika!"

I bump into her from the side and she shakes her head.

"Let's go. We'll get some food after we're done."

We start walking and we enter the first shop. It's filled with little knick knacks. Wee walk around and look at stuff. Nothing. We go to the next one which is filled with clothes.

"Eren maybe we should look at clothes."

"Nah I'm good."

Mikasa gives me a stern look.

"You're gonna need more clothes."

I wave my hand at her.


"You are unbelievable."

(Authors Note: Sorry this is short and taking so long. I'm getting there. Thanks for waiting and I hope you enjoyed! Hopefully the next chapter will be longer!)

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