Chapter 18

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I smile at her before turning to walk out the door. The next shop is a candy store. When we enter I can hardly contain my excitement.

"We haven't had candy in forever!"

"I still think the candy from the Maria Pack is the best. Nobody can make candy like Mark."

"That's because our pack had a secret recipe. Only the shop owners could know it. They wanted everyone else to buy it."

Mikasa states dryly.


I comment.

"Excuse me? Do you need any help? I heard you say Maria Pack."

We all turn to see an elderly woman. She smiles at us politely.

"Yeah. We used to be a part of that pack before they were attacked. They had the best sweets."

The woman nods.

"Ah, yes. I remember that pack quite well. Big wasn't it."

"Yes mam."

"My mate was in that pack."

"He was? What happend to him?"

"He sadly passed away. Bought quite a collection of candy from there when he would visit."

"Why are you here?"

"We moved to the human town. We wanted a normal life and we liked it here better. No pack attacks. We were safer."

I nod understandingly.

"The Maria Pack was attacked. Us three were the only survivors."

Her eyes widen in shock.

"Oh dear! You lot are so young! You must have lost a lot. I'm most dearly sorry."

"It's okay."

"How about I show you something?"

We look at each other and Mikasa gives a quick nod.


She leads as we follow the woman into the back of the shop. She stops in front of a case and turns to us.

"Now you three are the only ones who know about this stash so I'd like if we keep it that way."

"Of course. But why?"

"A lot of wolves know that the Maria Pack has the best candy. Now that they've been destroyed candy from there will become rare. So... because you are the last survivors."

She opened the case and it was filled from head to toe with all different candies and sweets. They all had the Maria Pack symbol on them.

"Holy cow! That's a lot!"

She laughs.

"Yes. My husband was quite obsessed with them. He bought quite a few. I'd like you kids to have some. You deserve it. You can come whenever you want. I know it'll remind you of home."

"Thank you."

Mikasa answers politely. The woman nods.

"Anything I can do to help."

"You help a lot."

"Help yourselves. I must get back to work. Take care."

We all nod and the woman nods.

"Why can't everything be normal?"

Armin says off from the side. I turn and see he's crying.


He looks at me and shakes his head.

"I want to be able to go home. To see my grandpa. To walk through town and explore."

He looks down.

"I hate it."

This is my fault. They wanted me and in doing so they murdered everyone. Set fire to everything and destroyed it all. No matter what I know it's my fault. They wanted me. If they don't get me they'll keep trying. Especially since Levi's gone. He's the alpha. He's the one who knows how to make all the decisions and how to control everything. How to make sure people are safe. But now he's gone and I'm in charge of their lives. I have to save them. Save them instead of running away and letting them die. I have to. I don't pay attention to anyone or anything and I turn and stumble away. I need air. I need, I need something. I ignore Mikasa calling for me and stumble my way to the front of the store and out. Air. I breath it in and lean on the side of the building. I don't know what to do. Suddenly I feel my body become tense. I look around at people but don't see anything. Somethings wrong. I push off the building and step forwards. Then I spot them. A group of people. They're watching me grinning. One of them says something and they all laugh. I catch their scent. Wolves. They're from the Titan Pack. One of them breaks away and steps forwards. It's a girl. She has blonde hair pulled back in a bun. Her blue eyes watch me coldy. She continues walking towards me until she's right in front of me.


I question.

"Who woulda thought the one we wanted so badly was you."

She scoffed.

"I still don't understand the point of wanting you. You're just an omega. A measly piece of garbage."

She looked me up and down.

"Although I can see how they'd want to mess around with you. It'd give them something to enjoy."

I shiver at her words and she grins.

"Get away from him."

A growl comes from beside me and I recognize it as Mikasa. The girls eyes flick to her then back to me.

"Don't tell me what to do. I do what I want when I want."

"You and your friends need to leave."

"They're not my friends."

"Then make them leave."

She glares at Mikasa.

"How about you shut up. Me and your little boyfriend were trying to chat."

"I'm not her boyfriend."

The girl sighs.

"Whatever. I don't care."

"Who are you?"

"My name is Annie. I'm one of the brains of the Titan Pack so I suggest you don't start anything. You wouldn't have a chance against me. Not while it's just you three."

"How do you know there's three of us?"

"I'm not stupid. Your little friend is a bad hider."

She turns around giving us one last glance over her shoulder.

"I have to go but don't worry. I'll come and visit. And maybe I'll even bring some friends for you to meet."

She turns the rest of the way around and walks towards her friends.

"They're planning something. We need to get you back."

I nod.

"Let's go."

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