Chapter 15

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I'm woken up by someone gently shaking me. When I open my eyes I see Hanji. I squint at her and sit up looking around. She smiles and grabs my hands, dragging me out of bed.

"Get up sleepyhead! They're leaving soon!"


I ask dazed. I wipe my eyes and slowly stand up.

"Levi and Erwin are leaving soon. I was sent to wake you up. Levi said he wanted to let you sleep in."

My eyes flash open and I look at the nearest clock.

"When do they leave?"

"In a couple minutes. You have time to get dressed and brush your teeth."

I run to the dresser and throw open the drawer. I grab a pair of pants and a shirt. I run into the bathroom and quickly get dressed. I took a shower last night before going to bed so I was fine for this morning. I run to the sink and quickly put toothpaste on the brush. I brush and quickly dash out the door. Hanji watches me amused.

"How long until they leave?"

"Two minutes."

I run to the door and race down the hall. It's five in the morning and most people are still asleep. I make it to the entrance and stop. Hanji stops beside me and I look at her. She smiles.

"They're outside."

I walk outside with her at my side. We stop in front of Erwins car. They're both leaning against it and talking. When we make it to them they both look over. I give Levi a small smile and he laughs before walking over to me.

"Nice to see you awake."

He ruffles my bedhead and I blush.

"I was in a rush. Okay?"

He nods.

"Okay, okay."

I lean down and kiss him.

"You should probably go. Erwin's waiting."

"Yeah. Take care of yourself."

I roll my eyes.

"I will."


I hug him and he pats me on the back before I pull away. I kiss him once more and he walks back towards Erwin. I watch as they get in the car and leave. They're gone. Not coming back for a year. An entire year. It's all settling in now. A year is so long. It's forever. A year. 365 days until he comes back. I'll be alone without my mate for 365 days. Can I even last that long? Is it possible? I don't even realize the tears are there until I feel Hanji's arms around me.

"It'll be okay Eren. Maybe he can come and visit."

I don't speak and I let the tears fall. I'm alone now. It's my job to run this pack while he's gone. It'll be different. I'll probably cry more. But i'll make it. 365 days starting today. I'm the luna of this pack and I will run it the best I can. Alone. 365 Days.

(Author's Note: Here we are. Another short chapter and he's gone. 365 days. I might count down the days but i'm not sure. Don't expect it but I might. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next chapter!)

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