Chapter 4

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I take a step forward towards the boy. The word "Mate" still ringing in my head. He doesn't move but seems to stare at me shocked.

"You. What's your name?"

I ask in wonder.


He breathes out.

"Did you feel that to?"

He gives me a slight nod. My head is searching for what to do. This kid is clearly younger than me. He's also one of the teens that came. The one that smells like cinnamon. I take a few more steps until I'm standing right in front of him. His tears have stopped but you can see the gleam of the trails they left behind. He speaks up.

"I was informed my- mate..."

He said carefully.

"Was here. I was also informed they were doing something romantic with someone else."

I pause and remember Petra.



The boy questions moving his head to the side and shifting his body so he was facing me.

"I'm in a non serious relationship with a girl named Petra."

"Non serious?"

"We both agreed we'd date until one of us found our destined mate."

The boy nods.

"Now what."

I don't stop to think.

"Why were you crying?"

He looks down at the stone in his hand and tears begin to fall again.

"I-I... I just..."

I have the urge to hold the crying boy but stop myself. He glances at me tears not stopping. I extend my hand and he lightly takes it.


As our fingers touch my wolf let's out a happy bark and a spark laces itself through my body. My wolf pushes forwards and the next thing I know I'm in my mates arms. It feels comfortable and nice. My tears stop as I take in the strong and attractive scent of mint. Then I hear a noise. A shuffle as someone calls out a name. It's a girl.


He freezes and goes tense. She comes around the corner. She's a small orange haired girl. She's in shorts and a tank top. To showy for my liking. I feel my wolf let out a soft growl. My mate looks up at me in surprise. Guess I actually growled. I unwrap my arms from around him as he steps towards her.


He calls back. She looks out and spots us. She looks me up and down smiling.

"Well aren't you cute."

I fidget as she steps closer.

"You must be one of the survivors of the Maria Pack. I'm Petra."

My head immediately shoots up. Our eyes connecting. Petra. My mates girlfriend. My wolf growls. This time only I can hear. She steps next to my mate and wraps her arms around his waist. My wolf whines out loud and Petra looks over confused.

"So, Levi. Whatcha doing out here?"

Levi. The name sends warmth throughout my body. He doesn't speak and eyes me worriedly. Petra lays her head on his shoulder. My wolf lets out a sharp bark in my mind.


I growl again. This time Petra hears and looks up worried.

"You okay?"

I shake myself before walking out. I know if I stay there longer I'll bite her head off. As I'm about to leave the room I feel a strong painful prick. The same length of the first but definitely stronger. Probably because we actually met. Causing our bond to grow. I immediately sink to the floor gasping and grabbing my chest. I hear a shout and I sense Levi next to me. I whimper because even though the pain from the prick is gone my wolfs heart is still hurting. Like someones squeezing it. As soon as he touches my arm the pains gone.


As soon as Eren went down I ran. Petra decided to kiss me which is probably the reason for Erens pain. We'd discovered each other and someone else kissed me. When I reached him he was still in pain. When I touched his arm he immediately relaxed. Petra raced forwards after me. When she reached to touch my shoulder I felt Eren shudder. I turned to her avoiding the contact.

"Don't touch me."

A look of hurt spread over her face.


"We can't be together. I found my mate."

She looked at me shocked.

"What! When?"

"Just now."

She looks around confused.

" There's no one else here?"

Then she looks at Eren. Recognition spreading across her face.

"Oh my god. Your saying he's your mate!"

I nod and she covers her mouth.

"That's why he acted like that around me! I'm so sorry! I feel terrible! Is he okay?"

"He'll be fine. You are excused."

She nods sympathetically.

"Yes sir."

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