Authors Note (IMPORTANT!)

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(Above is an picture of Scooter (my dog) before he got his hair cut.)

This is an important message to all my readers and followers. I won't be posting for awhile.

Reason 1- I will be doing a Klance July thing. It will last the whole month and will take up my time.

Reason 2- I am going on two vacations during July and my free time is filling up.

Reason 3- Writers block is a bitch.

Reason 4- My family is struggling with the fact of losing our dog. He's still alive but he's most likely not going to make it through July. He's diabetic and the amount of insulin we give him is extremely high but it doesn't really bring him down. Just levels out his blood sugar levels. He's blind and has an eye infection in one eye. Because the medicine we gave him didn't help he will have to have a surgery to remove his eye. Because he's diabetic and that causes all sorts of problems the chances of him making it through the surgery are very slim. He's 10. We haven't put him down yet because even though he has all these problems he's shown no signs of pain. He's always happy and his tail never stops wagging. He loves attention and shows no signs of pulling back. My family has been putting it off for so long but now we're kind of stuck. He's happy but he's not getting better. Only worse.

I hope that clears things up! Life is life but I will not give up on these stories so stay tuned!

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