Chapter 16

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It's been a few hours since they left. It hasn't been very busy and I wonder if people are trying to make things less busy. I would honestly love to be busy. It'd get my mind off of things.


I look up from the couch to see Armin. He looks at me shyly.

"I can tell you're bored and I know we haven't hung out in a while. So, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go somewhere?"

I jump up and run over to him. I grab him in a hug.

"Thank you! You have no idea how boring it is around here!"

He laughs and pulls back.

"Yeah. I thought you'd need that."

"Any ideas where to?"

"I was thinking we could go out and into town. The human town I mean."


"Yeah. Why not. It's not that far and I already talked to Hanji. She said we could take her car."

"Did you invite anyone else?"

"Not yet. I thought I'd leave that for you to decide."

I tilt my head in thought.

"Maybe Mikasa. We all haven't hung out in while. It'd be nice to go out together."

Armin nods.

"You both are busy with mates and training. It's understandable."

At the word mate I feel a sting. One year. One year before they come back. When I look at Armin he looks worried.


"You're fine. You didn't do anything."

I walk towards the door and turn to him smiling.

"Let's go find Mika."


We arrive at the pack's territory and the minute we step out of the car we're welcomed by the alpha and his luna. The man is tall and has shaggy blonde hair. The woman next to him is smaller and has long flowing brown hair. They both smile and he extends his hand.

"Nice to meet you in person. My name is Jack and this is my luna, Angelica."

I shake his hand in response and nod.

"Nice to meet you as well. I'm Levi and this is my second in command Erwin. He'll be accompanying me for the year."

Jack nods.

"Great. Let us show you to your rooms so you can get settled. Then we can have dinner and get to know each other a little better."

"Sounds good."

We follow them inside and they show us to our rooms. They leave us to get settled in and after a couple minutes there's a knock at my door. I open it to see a small girl.

"I was sent to escort you to the dining room."

I nod and follow her down the hall. After a bit of walking we come upon a large room with a good sized table. The girl leaves and I'm greeted by the alpha Jack.

"Welcome. Angelica will only be a minute. She's getting the food. Please help yourself to a chair."

I do and soon Angelica comes in with plates of food. A chair is pulled out beside me and I look to see Erwin. He sits and once the food is finally onto the table and everyone is seated Jack begins talking.

"I must thank you for coming to our pack for a year. It must be hard to leave your pack in the hands of one of the members."

"I assure you my pack is in good hands."

He nods and continues to speak.

"So, because of this arrangement you are free to go anywhere besides the obvious. People's room are off limits unless you are allowed in. Same for offices. Otherwise you are free to go anywhere."

"The same will be done when you come to our pack."

"Good. Then besides those rules, shall we talk freely?"

"I'm okay with that,"

"Great! I must have you know it's a great honor for you to be here. You are one of the best fighters and one of the strongest are you not?"

"Yes that is what people say."

"Do you agree with them?"

"I agree that I am stronger than most. I trained quite a bit since I was young."

"Ah, I bet that was very helpful."

"Yes. It indeed was."

"Your pack is one of the strongest."

"I believe so."

"How did you form it out of nothing?"

"I started as a loner with some friends of mine. We eventually met others and soon we had enough for a pack."

"You must have been very serious. It's not easy to form a pack. Especially one as strong as yours. What age were you when you started?"

"Probably around 23."

"Excuse me for asking but, how old are you now?"

"It's not a problem. I'm 34."

He nods.

"Your pack's been going on for a while. Still, I'm surprised you don't have a mate. A man like yourself, I woulda thought you'd have found someone by now."

I freeze and my mind flashes to Eren. He seems to sense my change in mood.

"I'm sorry if my comment upset you."

"No, you're fine. I guess it's not public yet."

"What do you mean?"

"I have a mate. We found each other about a month ago."

His eyes light up in surprise.

"That's wonderful! I'm sorry to have taken you away from each other."

"It's fine."

"How did you two meet?"

"I assume you know about the Maria attack."

He nods.

"I do. Horrible thing. One of the biggest death rates."

"Yes. Well, there were three survivors."

"I think I heard of them. There was an attack on your pack soon after wasn't there?"


"Sorry if I'm getting ahead of you here but, what did they do?"

"My mate is, unique. They wanted to use him and another girl we rescued."


"Yes. His name is Eren."


I watched as he became silent. It was obvious what he wanted to ask but I wasn't going to put Eren at risk. If other's found out he was an omega there would surely be an attack.

"So, this is a lovely dinner you've prepared."

Erwin spoke up. The luna Angelica lifted her head and smiled.

"Why thank you. I'm pleased you enjoy it."

(Authors Note: I did it! I said today and I did! Honestly though, I didn't pay attention in class because I was writing. School? Pssh. Anyways! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! I should currently be doing an assignment but I'm doing this... Like I said earlier, school. Pssh. Thanks again for being patient!)

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