Chapter 3

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I whisper. She's standing in front of me smiling. There's a white/gold glow around her.

"Eren. My Eren. My son. I'm so sorry I had to leave."

I shake my head, tears dripping silently off my face.

"No. Don't be sorry. It's not your fault. It's there's."

She reaches out her hand and strokes my face.

"My Eren. I can't be there for you anymore. You know that as well as I do. It's someone else's turn now."

"Mom? I don't understand?"

She laughs quietly to herself as tears slide down her face.

"You will be found Eren."

She kisses my forehead and hands me the rock I got for my birthday.

"You will be found."

    She whispers. She silently stands up, tears still sliding down her face. Then in an instant, she's gone.

Dream Over~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    I wake up in a mess of sheets. I feel the tears. They won't stop coming. I feel something hard jab me and I move the rock. My only reminder of home. I press it to my lips and put it on the dresser as I change into pajama clothes. I grab the rock and grip it in my hand as I make my way outside. I find a balcony led off from the living area. A big open room filled with furniture and a big fireplace. There's a TV but it's turned off which is fine. I want silence anyways. I push the giant doors open and step out into the nice breeze. There's a railing and I decide to hop onto it. I stand there watching the sky. Before I know it, the tears are falling again. Being blown away by the wind.


    I can't sleep. I've tried but I'm not tired. Instead I get up and change into my everyday clothes. I decide to go for a stroll around the castle since everyone's asleep. But then I smell it. That odd scent of cinnamon. I raise my nose to the air and follow the scent to the living room. The large balcony doors are open and I carefully walk through them but stop short when I see him. A boy I've never seen before is standing on the railing. He's looking away from me but I can tell somethings wrong. His shirt's being lifted by the wind and you can see his tan stomach. His hair is blowing to. He looks so beautiful but for some reason it pains me to watch him. He lifts his hand to his face and in his hand I can see a grey smooth rock with a black pattern on it. He holds it close to him for a few seconds before letting his hand drop back down to his side. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and he turns. It's just a slight movement. A turn of the hips. A glance over a shoulder. But it does things to me. Especially when I sees the boys eyes. A gorgeous green blue color. His eyes look lost. Faded. There's tears slowly running down his face. Being carried away by the wind. The boy keeps looking. Then he seems to come back. His eyes focus on me and our eyes connect. My hearing fades and there's a loud click as if two pieces of a puzzle have been fitted together. My wolf's voice rings through my head.



    I feel lost. I'm staring at something but nothing at the same time. There was a noise. I know there's a person. I just can't seem to focus. Or care for that matter. Then I hear my mother's words repeat in my head. "You will be found." Then my eyes focus. A man. A gorgeous man. He has raven colored hair and beautiful steel blue eyes. My eyes connect with his and my hearing disappears except for a loud click. My wolf yips in joy and tries to pull me forward practically howling the word.


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