Chapter 11

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(Authors Note: Okay so this part ended up being longer than I thought. So you might have to wait one more chapter after this. Enjoy!)


Considering the pack didn't really know about the newcomers or Eren being my mate, it was kind of hard to convince them to fight. First they wanted to know who Eren was and who the people with me were. Then they wanted to know why Eren was so damn important to get back anyways. I continued telling them that they were the last survivors of the Maria Pack and that we needed to get him back because they were taken from our territory. In the end I got quite a bit of people. All I know is that it's a small base where wolves from the Titan Pack camp out. It's where they keep their prisoners for a short time. I wasted no time in gathering the people who had agreed. They were now standing in front of me.

"Okay. So I know you all are probably wondering why the hell we're going after this kid."

There was a growl off of the side from Mikasa.

"It's because he's important and if something happens to him it's our fault. Now, everyone transform and let's go."

I transformed and the others in my pack did the same. There were howls as we ran into the woods. I was in the lead because of who I was. I was the leader. Little did they know I had the scent of where Eren was burned into my memory. We dashed through the woods and I slowed as we came upon the territory lines. Mikasa and Jean trotted up to my side. Jean mind linked me and Mikasa in with him.

"So, what's next alpha?"

"We run in. Fight whoever. Kill them if you have to. If you find Eren mind link me. Tell me where you are and i'll be there."

"You seriously want us to kill them?"

I growl at Jean.

"Yes kill them. They messed with the wrong pack. Now they're gonna get what's coming."

"I'm all for killing them for taking Eren."

Mikasa spoke.

"But are you that upset about it?"

"Yes i'm fucking upset about it! Nobody takes what's mine!"

"What's... Yours?"

Jean asks slowly. I growl at him again.

"Yes Jean. You heard correctly. Eren is my mate. He's an omega and now I assume you can guess why he was taken."

"Wait. Eren's an omega!"

Mikasa yells causing me to wince.

"Don't yell! You'll give me a goddamn headache. Yes, Eren is an omega. Hanji checked his blood to see what kind of wolf. He's in danger now so we need to find him."

"What the hell are you gonna do!"

"I said don't yell! I'm his mate. I'm one of the only things to cover up his omega scent. Now that the Titan Pack knows he's in danger. Now, can this talk be over? Eren is more important."


"Uh, ok-kay?"

We break from the mind link and I glare at Mikasa. She growls and I turn to the pack. I let out a howl to signal it's time to attack before turning and running into the territory. There's more howls and barks behind me as we make it to the main building. Some people walking around saw us and quickly went down and transformed into their wolf form. The fighting started. There were growls and barks. Loud whines when wolves got hurt. I blocked them out and continued to run. Following the scent of Eren. He had to be here somewhere.


"Are they under attack?"

Christa and I stay quiet and listen. There's howling coming from outside.

"I- I think we are!"

"Your mate must've gathered up the pack to fight!"

"Only about five people know i'm his mate though. Almost everyone doesn't even know who I am!"

"Eren. He's the alpha. It doesn't matter what the others think. What he says goes."

My mind wanders to Levi. He's my mate. He's come after me. I actually have a mate who's willing to risk his pack for me. I've always wanted a mate but I never thought it'd end up like this. Another thing. I can have pups. Oh my god. I can give birth. I can get pregnant. Before I can think anymore Christa breaks me from my reverie.

"Eren, I think someone's coming down the hall."

I perk up and listen. There's a thudding sound of footsteps and yelling. The door swings open and the guy with the blonde hair steps in. He's sweaty and looks mad as hell.

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