Chapter 5

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    I wake up in what I'm pretty sure isn't my bed or room for that matter. I slowly sit up and yawn. Then my eyes rest on him. Levi. He's slouched down in a chair sleeping. I freeze. My heart beats faster and my wolf barks with joy. I slowly get out of what's most likely his bed and stand. Suddenly there's a loud shout. I immediately recognize the shout as Mikasa's. Levi groans and stretches. My eyes watch the movement and I can feel the heat rise in my cheeks. He stops stretching and his eyes focus on mine.

"Sleep well."

"I, Uh."

He smirks.

"Don't worry. I don't mind."

I nod and soon there's the sound of running. I turn to the door as there's a loud banging. I lightly step over to it and turn the handle and push it open. Jean is standing on the other side. When he sees me he steps back shocked.

"Sorry. I thought this was the alpha's room."

He turns to leave confused but Levi calls out and stops him.

"In here."

Jean peeks past me and sticks his head in the room.

"Uhhhhhhh, alpha?"

My mind races at the word. Alpha? I'd never met the alpha. Only heard he was around. Now I'm putting the pieces together. Levi's the alpha. Oh my god. My mates the alpha. What'll that make me? I can't be a Luna. I also can't have pups. I don't think he has anyone else related to his bloodline either. That means I've ruined the bloodline. They'll have to find a new wolf to take over. My mind races over all this information and I find the nearest place to sit.

"You okay?"

It's Jean.

"Yeah. Fine."

He gives me a confused glance but turns back to Levi.


He stops.

"Wait. Nevermind. I was going to tell you Eren was missing but he's right here so. I guess it's useless."

"Why would you think he's missing?"

"Well, Mikasa said he was so, we all just assumed it was true because of how long she's known him."

I roll my eyes. Think she knows everything does she.

"I'm guessing Mikasa is one of the Maria survivors as well?"

Jean nods.

"Yes sir."

"Tell her and the other one, along with Hanji,Petra, and Erwin to meet us in living room."

"Yes sir. Also, may I ask a question?"

Levi sighs.


"Um, what exactly is Eren doing in your room?"

I freeze. Waiting for him to answer.

"Not now. Later."

"Uh. Yes sir."

    Jean turns towards the door and I look up at him. He looks down and gives me a questioning look. I shrug and he leaves. The door closing quietly behind him.

"Well that was interesting."

I look over at Levi.

"So, you're the alpha."

"Yeah. Why? Does that bother you?"

"No. But, who's going to continue leading as alpha?"

He shrugs.

"Dunno. Guess we'll find out. Anyways. You run to your room and get changed. When your done head to the living room."

I nod.

"Okay. Bye."

I stand up to leave but he grabs my wrist.

"We'll tell the people in the meeting about us but we'll hold off on the rest of the pack. Okay?"

I nod.

"Sounds great."

I leave to my room and get changed. When done I leave and close the door quietly behind me. I notice Mikasa leaning against the wall and make my way over to her.

"Hey. What's up?"

She turns to look at me and smiles.


I notice a name etched on the side of her neck.

"What's that?"

She blushes and reaches up to touch it.

"Me and Jean marked each other last night."

"What! No way!"

I smile and lightly bump her.

"So? Find anything interesting out about him?"

She laughs for the first time since the attack.

"Of course you'd want to know stuff like that."

"What? You're my sister. I have a right to know embarrassing things about my brother in law."

She flashes me a smile.

"Not gonna happen baby bro."

"Don't ever call me that nickname again or I will have no other choice but to murder you in cold blood."

She snickers.

"Do you even know what that means?"

I grin.

"No, but I'm gonna go with it."

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