Chapter 12

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He points to me.

"Are a fucking handful! You know that! Because of you we got attacked! So now! It's fucking you're turn!"

He goes to run at me but a small figure steps in front of him.

"Reiner don't."

He stops short and looks at Christa.

"What the hell are you gonna do!"

"I know you won't hurt me Reiner."

"What the hell is this! This has nothing to do with you!"

"Remember when we were younger?"

His face blanks.

"Christa don't."

"I'm sorry okay! I thought I would feel the same way!"

"Christa stop!"

"I know you joined this pack because you were angry! I'm sorry I didn't love you! But you don't have to do this! He didn't do anything wrong!"

His face turned hard and he glared at me.

"My feelings for you Christa, are gone. I don't care about what happens to you."

"You're lying."

"Christa I will push you out of the way. Let me get the omega and you'll be fine."

"No! I won't let you hurt him!"

"Fine. Have it your way."

He stalked forwards and violently shoved Christa out of the way. She hit the wall then fell to the floor holding her arm. He stood in front of me glaring down. I looked over at Christa then at him.


He seethed.

"Are a piece of shit. Now, tell me. What the fuck did you do?"

"What? I- I didn't do anything."

"What do you mean you didn't do anything! After we kidnapped you the Survey Corps Pack came after us! People are dying out there because we fucking grabbed you! Who are you and what did you do!"

Before I can answer there's a low growl coming from the doorway. I see Christa glance up at the door and I try to peek behind Reiner to see. Reiner turns his head slowly before turning his body as well. I get a better look and see a good sized wolf crouched in the doorway ready to pounce. Their fur is a sleek raven color and their eyes flash a brilliant silver. It's Levi. He snarls again before slowly walking through the doorway and around Reiner. He looks about ready to attack.


Reiner yells.

"Stay the fuck back!"

Levi growls again and I see Reiner flinch. I almost don't realize it until i'm being hauled off the ground by my arm. Reiner holds me to his chest, his nails are claw shaped and he's holding one to my throat. A soft whine of pain escapes my mouth and I see Levi tense at the noise. His ears pricking forwards. Levi's eyes glance behind Reiner before locking onto his face. Reiner's grip tightens as Levi stands up straight and transforms. Levi's face is blank and he's staring coldly at Reiner.

"I would let go of him if I were you."

Reiner's grip doesn't loosen.

"I mean it. You let him go and i'll make my pack retreat. You know I have more wolves than you. We'd win either way. Let's just make this easier and give me him."

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