Chapter 8

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After eating cookie dough with Sasha I go to my room. There's a small balcony that I didn't notice before and I walk out onto it. It's small with a little flower pot. I go to the railing and lean against it with my arms crossed. Down below I can see a stable and a big grassy area with people training. Wherever we are is actually really pretty. There's a village out farther front. There's a bunch of people walking and I realize how boring it is here. I wish I could go out to the town. Not a good idea though. My status is kind of weird. We're not marked yet but people can probably sense i'm different. Wolves with mates have their mates scent always lingering around them. I hear someone call out a name and I focus back on the crowd. Levi walks up to the leader of the trainee's. It's Jean. They talk for a little while before Levi walks off. Hopefully soon i'll be able to walk beside him as his mate. I wonder who i'll be introduced to next? There's a quick knock on my door causing me to stand up and turn. Hanji walks through the door with a happy expression.

"So Erennnnnnnnnn, you're Levi's mate."

"Uh, yeah."

"Do you know which kind of wolf you are?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you an alpha, beta, normal? What one?"

"I uh, don't know."

She cocks her head to the side confused.

"Really? They never told you?"

"No... Why? Should they have?"

"Well, it's not really a regulation but it'd be nice to know."

"Oh. How do you tell?"

Her eyes lit up and she did a little jump.

"You test their blood. I can take you to my office and we can take a blood sample!"

"Uh, okay?"


She shouted and grabbed my wrist. She ran out of my room, dragging me behind her. We raced down the hall and bypassed Connie almost making him fall. We made it to the office from before and she let go of me. She slammed the door and made her way over to the counter. I sat on the table in the middle of the room and waited. It took her about a minute before she came over to me.

"Okay. I'm going to tie your arm off up here and look for the vein. When I find it i'm going to put the needle in and draw blood. Because of the wolf blood it should heal quickly but i'm still going to wrap it really tightly at first. Feel free to take that off whenever."

I nod and look away.


I feel her tie my arm and feel around. When she finds what she wants she tell me now and there's a small prick before it's over. I look back as she wraps the crease of my arm tightly and walks the tube of blood to a machine. She sets it there before turning to me.

"Great job! We just have to wait a couple minutes before it identifies the cells and matches it!"

"Do I have to wait here or can I leave?"

"You can leave. I don't know how long it'll exactly take. How about you go outside and look around?"

"I can go outside?"

"Yeah. Levi's out there right now. There's not anyone out there that will do anything. The towns people are out farther. You're free to do whatever."


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