Chapter 9

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I race out the door and down the hall until I reach the door we came in from. I run out and look around. The breeze is so nice and I love the outdoors. I remember the stream from earlier the day of the attack. Then I didn't have a care in the world. Now, my family is dead and so is my entire pack. I push away the awful thoughts and follow a small path. It leads me to a nice garden. It's quiet and there's nobody around. I walk around before a sharp scent appears. I smell it almost immediately. I freeze and look around. I don't see anybody. I start to untense when there's a sudden rustle. I can feel there's something wrong. My wolf lets out a soft growl. There's a short laugh behind me and I spin around. There's a blonde guy standing there watching me grinning. He gives me the creeps.

"So, you're the little omega we're supposed to pick up."

I step back cautiously. Omega?

"Bert, get him."

Before I have time to think someone's hands snake around me. Holding me in place. I struggle but their grip is surprisingly strong. The blonde guy walks over and bends down in front of me.

"You're going to be an interesting one. I can already tell."

Before I can say anything he lifts his fist and punches. Everything goes black.

(Author's Note: Sorry this was a short chapter! I honestly don't have a schedule I just post whenever. I've already introduced two new characters and more are to come! I guess I feel like including them now? Oh well. I've already got the plan for the next chapter and a bit after that too. Anyways! Thanks for reading this story! It means a lot!)

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