|| 011 - Effortful Persuasion ||

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Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

Bible, 1 Corinthians


This girl sure has all the fancy goods. Now being knowable about both girls who use at least one trait -which was materialism- to make themselves content. It makes me feel so confused about why people would go out their way to have the ultimate best things. Competing. I just don't get it.

Additionally, Ita told me a lot about all her twisted ways, controlled by The Creator. Her other drive was stealing other people's boyfriends or just boys in general. I don't understand. Personally, I wouldn't be attracted to people who lived off attention. Who use wealth to their advantage.

I know I wouldn't be drawn to a person like that. But a selfless introverted person who never feels the need to compete. I swear to god, E, if you dare mention 'her' again I will personally end you myself.

This infuriated me. This battle between the lad who acts upon things on the outside and the lad who thinks before he speaks. It really gets my goat as I just wanted to be able to listen to the voice inside. But I don't listen. I would if I could.

"Do you think we should DM her?" Ita turned to me and asked, already swiping right towards the messages section of Instagram. She'd already answered her own question but I voiced my opinion to make her feel better.

"Go for it, girl." So off she went, typing away. For the record, I've never seen a person with such piercing green eyes in my life. Any pictures of her it was as she was physically stabbing her eyes into your soul, cracking into stone. Like a Medusa effect. Her shoulder length raven black hair caught also caught our eyes immediately, as well as her birthmark.

..Mona..D.. x_Ita.Geo_x
Hi. I know you don't know me but you're needed.

What? For an easier way to get things that people don't have??

No. But something better.

What's better than that?

Okay just listen to me, okay?

Make it quick.

No I'll take as much time as I want to get you to listen. Look I don't want to argue with you. We really need you.

Fine then. But I don't even know you. You could be a pedophile for all I know.

Oh please. have you seen my account?? Anyway, me and my friend are guilty of a seven deadly sin, Pride and Wrath.

And this involves me because...

Because you're guilty of one too. Greed.


My reaction exactly. But I swear to you. We can get rid of it.

You're saying I'm greedy?! You're so rude. Why am I even wasting my time with you?

"Ely, I swear I'm gonna loose my nut with this girl." She began hugging and puffing, about to shot put throw her iPhone X to the balcony window. I had to reign this girl in before she threatened to quit again. How we were going to cope every time we came to an obstacle, I don't bloody know.

"Here, give it to me." I now had the white backed cellular device in both my hands, typing away to this Mona girl.

..Mona..D.. x_Ita.Geo_x

Yes. But I'm saying you're a Sinner of Greed. It's not your fault. There's just an urge making you feel the need to constantly want more and more.

There is an urge but that's just me. There's no higher power or any crap like that controlling me.

There is though. And.... look at this picture.

 look at this picture

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{sent by x_Ita.Geo_x}

Why have you got a picture of my birthmark? Where have you got that from? You're such a creep!

It's because it's the symbol of your sin! Me and my friend both have one. But of our sins.

I'm starting to get my head round this idea, unfortunately.

What do I need to do then??

Believe us. That's all we need you to do. And, then you'll need to join us to beat this higher power called The Creator. He's the one that had cursed us with this. You'll be free! You won't have to bully your 'parents' anymore.

How do you know that they're not my actual parents?

We're all adopted. There's a pattern.

So I'll really be free if I join you?

Yes you will! We're also on the hunt for three more kids who are the Sinners of Gluttony, Sloth and Envy.

I can't believe I'm agreeing to this. I'm in.

Thank you. We'll fly to Verona to meet up with you. Then we'll go from there to look for the others.

Right then. See you soon.

And you better be telling me the truth.

Don't worry. Lying's too much effort.

Continuous Sinner. {COMPLETED.}Where stories live. Discover now