|| 020 - Creeping Attraction ||

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~ For drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.

Proverbs 23-21


"But he doesn't even look like he eats a lot." Eron clarified, going into more detail on this Dion Trenmernché.

"Like I said before, I go for anyone, doesn't matter what they look like but, boy he was different. Matte black hair. His eyes, you could easily get lost in them, they were a really really dark brown but it was like his irises were swirling around in circles. He rather skinny, but not questionable skinny just yet. The voice of him sent shivers down my spine, not even joking. He mouth was always occupied by some gum and two sets of black coloured braces. He also had only a few freckles dotted around his face but he had two dark dots below his bottom left eyelid. And, he had this birthmark in the centre of his Adam's apple."

We could see that as each word that spilled out of his mouth, he was getting all the more drawn to him

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We could see that as each word that spilled out of his mouth, he was getting all the more drawn to him. I then analysed his facial expressions around both his interests, which funnily enough were near enough the same. Not like any of the other faces he makes when he wants some.

"Right, we need to text him and get him to meet up. And if we get him on board, that means that we'll only have one more Sinner to find." Mona stated, sprinkling just that little bit of hope at the end of her comment. We were almost there. Almost there to confront our bearer of bad news, The Creator.

"Right then, Eron T. You can do the honours of getting this one on board." His smile surfaced, licking his lips in response, not seductively, but just for the simple fact that he found a strong connection with Dion.


Heyyy D x

Oh hey! What's up? x

Me and my pals have noticed something special well...unusual about you x

Oh really now? I'm intrigued to know what it is Mr Ticeros x

You're a Sinner x

Wait...what? x

I had a look in your bag and it was filled with junk food. Wait let me rephrase that, comfort food x

Okay I'll admit it because I feel like I don't have to lie to you x

Take your time D x

I'm bulimic. I knew there was something wrong with me. I feel so ashamed.

Hey hey! Don't ever feel ashamed. I won't see you any differently. A lot of people suffer from bulimia but, it's you that is different from all the rest x

What will happen to me? What does that make me? I'm getting really scared now x

Please, don't be scared. But what you are is the Son of Gluttony. That's why you have a funny birthmark on your neck. You couldn't see mine but I have one on my chest. But a different shape because I have my own sin x

And what is your sin, Eron? x

Lust x

Ohh. Lust eh? 😏 x

Yes indeed 😏 x
But it's a nightmare though x

I bet it is. We can't keep living like this. Can't we cure ourselves or something? x

Yes we can. But you need to join us to reverse this curse that this idiot of a higher power called the The Creator has put on us both. We can only reverse it if you join me and my other four friends who are also Sinners x

And we'll be free from our sins? x

I promise you. Please, we need you x
I need you x

Count me in. I want to be free x


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