|| 019 - Gluttony ||

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Gluttony ~ overindulgence; consuming more than one requires.

Terrace 6; The gluttonous are starved in the presence of trees with fruit that is forever out of their reach.


Our stay in the Perry and Ticeros household lasted longer than we expected. Our week consisted of constant hard work to dig out every implicit and explicit clues we could dabble on, eliminating all of Eron's sex toys, scouring through each of our phones and to let some stress off of our shoulders, we did well...mostly me, down some drinks and smoked some Shisha. Oh E, Maria and Kenneth are gonna disown you if they find out you're drinking and smoking at this age. Or even at all!!

I know they were but, the main word in that sentence is 'if'. There's no 'when', is there? I know I really needed to stop but, it was a stress reliever y'know? The feeling of being able to exhale your problems and predicaments. It's better than popping pills and slashing wrists. Every time I did those things intentionally, I wouldn't die like an ordinary person (and how devastating that was) but instead be reset, as if nothing ever happened. I just love being immortal.

Subsequently, -and all of you are going to hate me now for rambling on about her- we used to just chill out, caring about absolutely nothing either in a field away from the human race or in her room and exhale all of our war zones that occurred in our minds, smoking for hours. And call us cringeworthy but, our main solution to wash away our 'Sins' was blowing the tangled smoke into each other's mouths. Oh how I missed those days. I'd do absolutely anything to go back to those times. Yeah yeah stop the soppy love stories, we've got work to do.

"Well that's a surprise." Eron sounded, chuckling to himself. His text tone binged, catching our attention. I was completely oblivious what was happening as I just came in from having a relieving smoke.

"What's up, Ron lad?" I took the spare space that was left for me next to him.

"This guy who I was talking to in the airport, he's just texted me saying I have his bag and he has mine." That was odd.

"How did you even get his number?" Ita giggled completely clueless as to why he had this random guys number he met waiting for us at the airport.

"My alter ego was interested in him. Really really interested. You already know what for. I was going to dash to the bathroom with him for a quickie but his flight to Canada was due before I could." That explained a lot to our first question however, our second question we were still awaiting for an answer.

"How on earth did you end up with his bag?"

"I put it down when I was about to go to the bathroom. He did too so I think that I just grabbed the wrong one." He shrugged it off. But of course Ita was interested in this mysterious boy.

"Was he hot?" I groaned, heading back out for another smoke until Rani pulled me back.

"I normally go for anybody but I won't lie to you, Ita. He was probably the best looking guy other than me who I needed favours from." That caught her eye immediately, towering over his phone at this point.

"Ooh. What's his name then?"

"Dion Trenmernché? I can't say his last name."

"Oh is it said like tren-mern-shay?" Mona implied. I was hooked by his surname. That sounded fairly odd. I don't know how I was doing it but by now, I was able to know just by instinct that he could be another Sinner.

"Hang on a sec, Ron." I took his phone in my hands, still vibrant with scars and bruises, and studied his surname.

"Have you found something, Ely?" Rani was now interested and now a domino effect occurred. Now the four of them were intrigued.

"I think so." My head was quicker this time to unscramble the letters beaming on the screen yet even though I managed to solve it, I wasn't expecting the others to be fond of this word that Dion's name was crafted from.

"Guys. We've got another Sinner. His last name is 'Trencherman'."

"What does that mean?" Mona questioned, toying around with her Dolce and Gabbana charm bracelet. Just to verify my findings, I took to the online dictionary to state the true definition of trencherman.

"Trencherman. A person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess." Their eyes grew wide, at the definition. I now thought back to the bag Eron was referring to earlier.

"Eron, open that bag." He did it in an instant, only to find a full bag overfed with a whole heap of sweets, donuts, chocolate, biscuits, crisps, all sorts! We had now came to a conclusion.

"Dion's the Son of Gluttony."

Dion's POV.
Why is food the most amazing yet horrible thing to exist on this earth? I can't function without it, I need it. Obviously everyone needs food but, not as much as I do. It's vital for me to have at least a couple of Big Macs, a whole tray of fries, a tub of candy, chocolate and marshmallows, numerous cans of Red bull, a few chicken nuggets and a tub of ice cream to get me through the day.

It's so good but, it's the aftermath that makes me really realise how much trouble I am getting myself into while I overeat. My "Mom" took me to a clinic and I was diagnosed with bulimia. Constant binge eating then bending over the toilet shortly after. That is what my day consists of everyday.

I know there's something wrong with me but I don't care. That is why I binge eat. According to my "Dad" my mental state is very corrupted, and should be fixed. I really don't bother now about a cure. I don't want a cure. I can't get rid of it and I really don't want to.

What "Dad" says also about my mental health is that I'm a very vulnerable and emotional person. I worry a lot about the world around me and mostly myself. You wouldn't look at me and notice that I have a problem with overeating. But that's what I want you to think. I want you to think that I'm normal. Because I know that people are a disgrace to this world. I have to always be a perfect citizen to the earth, so that I don't get ridiculed by others. So that's why I want you to think I'm sane.

So I can be accepted into society.

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