|| 032 - A Life Changing Meeting Pt.II ||

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~ I will not be shaken.

Psalm 16:8


After our refreshing break, the seven of us parked ourselves back into a circle to finish this meeting. We needed to.

"So what's gonna happen is, we fly to Greece tomorrow morning. Then we'll wait for a sign, or find some." Dion read projectively from the sheet in front of him as Ita friendly put her arm around him, due to his stress levels going through the roof not long before.

"Wait, Ely, dude." My head shot up to my name being hollered.

"Talk to me, lad."

"What was it when you said about that The Creator speaks to you in your dreams?" Dion began tapping the pen against the carpet, itching for an answer.

"Oh yeah. He just teased me, saying that I was wasn't going to find you guys and that you mightn't have been real anyway. He's just a stupid, bigheaded, bigoted son of a bi-ouch!" I felt a sharp pang of pain shoot through my whole right arm, like a pin had just pierced itself into my skin and then remained in there, stuck but being dragged down to my palm. This was rather peculiar as I had never really felt pain before.

"Ely! Oh my gosh, are you alright?" Gia became extremely alerted, immediately concerned for my wellbeing. Her hands wrapped around my bicep and forearm in place, wary whether to let go.

"I'm fine, G, honestly." I shrugged the pain of, however, I didn't dare decline her care. Everyone jerked their heads to my shock, also showing their acts of careful actions.

After my sudden rush of pain, Eron noticed something odd. Or in fact, interesting.

"El. What were you saying?"

"That The Creator is a no good son of a bit-ah what the hell?" Another jolt of pain this time was a strong punching feeling to the gut.

"Eron! Why did you ask again?" Gia complained, yet her voice remained somewhat sweet and the gentleness was far from faded away.

"You know what? There's nothing stopping me from knocking you out right now." I gritted through my teeth, holding my stomach, without the idea of an empty threat clear in my head. My girlfriend was quick to calm me down however.

"Yeah, you can do that after but, do you see what's just happened?" He questioned.

"Yes I do. I was this close to kicking your ass." I stated bluntly whilst gesturing how close I was going to batter him with my fingers just about touching. The Wrath was bubbling still, although I was curious to know what he was referring to.

"No...but each time you say something bad about him, you're inflicted by some sort of pain, right?" The others agreed, soon clocking onto this whole idea that The Creator was somewhat watching or hearing us.

"I can't believe that I'm saying this but he's right." Rani put her two pence in, actually on Eron's side.

"Wow, thanks doll." She just ignored him, as we all did.

"Not one of us can feel pain. So it has to be him, being a higher power." Our frantic eyes shifted to each one of us, not feeling an emotion of fright, but instead cautious of the steps we had to take.

"Ow!" Ita yelped, the others followed. I really didn't know what the hell was going on at this point. Gia, Mona, Ita, Rani, Dion and Eron all clutched their hand, as a flickering spark zapped the air from each of their skin. I quickly turned to Gia, substituting her hand for mine.

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