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Toronto Pearson Airport.

This repetitive routine of boarding and exiting planes bored me stiff. But, it was something that I just had to endure. We weren't even on that long this time round.

I was sat next to Eron, and Rani was on the other side of him. His phone was constantly buzzing with messages from Dion, Well I assumed they were form him, judging by the look on Ron's face every time he received a message. He was just having the time of his life that boy. One interest texting him nonstop whilst another fitted her head in the crook of his neck, drifting off to sleep. His hand slithered onto her thigh that was exposed by her vigorously ripped jeans.

On the way to Toronto, all I could think about was how we were going to find the Child of Sloth. That was going to be some mission as I doubted that they'd use a lot of social media. All they would want to do is rest and sleep without bothering with others, right? It was okay in the fact that we knew where to look. Tauranga, New Zealand.

That thought soon flew away as I felt myself being placed onto the levelled ground below. However it returned when we entered the humongous airport venue.

I was too busy checking if I had all my luggage that I completely missed who was standing a couple on yards away from me. That was until Eron shouted his name with such elatedness, practically sprinting to him, locking his arms around the black headed sixteen year old.

 That was until Eron shouted his name with such elatedness, practically sprinting to him, locking his arms around the black headed sixteen year old

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"DION!" Rani, Mona and Ita cooed at their reunion, which was rather sweet E, that's not like you to say that, soft lad.

"I actually missed you so much." Dion mumbled into his neck, chuckling slightly at how he missed someone so dearly who he only met once.

"I missed you even more, D." He replied with the same amount of compassion as Dion did, before he faced him.

"Let's find Sloth. We've got a curse to reverse." His eyes scanned all of us behind Eron, acting so eager to find this last teen, stricken by idleness.

"Aww. They're so cute, I totally ship it. Diron." Rani jestured with her hands, creating a rainbow like shape. Ita was quick to reply.

"They are, totally. But I also totally ship Raron. But Dion is so hot!" Her face soon became scrunched up, her eye roll alive and rolling intensely at the wealthy youngest of the pack. Soon enough, she began to laugh, but a laugh that screamed 'oh my god I'm so done with you'.

"Oh please. Don't be so stupid." She denied accusations, which made me question why on one of the free days we had to relax, they-, actually, I'll let Ita tell you why.

"So care to explain the things you and him got up to whilst you were both off your faces?" She bashed her lashes cockily, depending on an answer from Rani Cemalia.

Flashback to Thursday...
The speakers were roaring out fierce EDM and 'in the mood' beats, the atmosphere was somewhat enjoyable, the room was brimmed with deadly curable tobacco and multiple types of luscious alcohol. Everyone wanted to give their sorrow a break. And Rani and Eron in particular.

"Y'know~" Rani trailed off in the younger one's pierced ears. He wasn't paying attention to any other distraction visible, as he was drowning in liquor, along with the rest of us.

"I've always wanted...to know...what was under this." She slurred, creeping her bangled hand up his black wife beater.

"You...sa..saying tho..se words is a huge.....turn on, doll." His breath sank into a heavy grunt, with a smirk playing on his eager lips. All they did was bicker but, I guess with a few drinks in their system, they wouldn't want to be jerked back from getting ready to charge into battle.

"And..." she added as she tapped on his defined fixed abdomen, licking her lips at what she had found underneath his clothes. She could barely stand up as she wobbled from one leg to the other. Eron was loving this.

"Woah the..there, babygirl. I'm....the one in ch..charge here." He interrupted, as his nose ring sparkled and attempted to attack her glossy lips, in which he failed. His face got swatted away.

I'll...I'll think you'll f....find that I am the one controlling you tonight." After she drunkly uttered that sentence, his intense eyes of Lust came out to play, completely under the venomous sinful spell he was the beholder of. He backed her into a back corner of the large living room, throwing a powerful slam of his hand against her head. However, she did not spare a flinch.

"Don't play with me, doll. Submissive...ain't mm....my forte." I think he secretly adored the fact that she wasn't as obedient as his other past cravings but, totally defiant.

"Well...tonight it is. Plus...I'm older than...y..you. So you...obey...me." That shut him up. It was like his eternal spell was broken, shattered, crushed. His lustful pied piper techniques had now sank under the reign of the first and only daughter of Envy.

She grabbed his tank top, yanking him into her plump lips latching onto his as almost within a millisecond, the pair were more than keen to explore each other's mouths, with Eron's tongue lavishly tickled by Rani's gold tongue piercing. Even though his dominance was extinct, his Lust still reigned on.

That led him to being pulled into his own bedroom with a devilish smirk on his face for forgetting to stash his remaining toys and rope in blind sight, which to me I didn't even think about the possibility that Eron could've hid his assistance to his sexual desires.

How do I know this? This happened when the door was wide open, so I could see his deceit and secrecy very clearly. My Wrath was piping hot as I lead to punching a mighty crack into one of the concrete slabs that laid beside the pool, along with a few speckles of blood. He did lie to me, the sneaky pretentious little pr- E, calm it!

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