|| 035 - Arrival in Olympia ||

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~ I want karma to drive stakes into the dark hearts that keep me bitter.

~Corey Taylor


Twenty two hours and fifteen minutes had now dissolved into thin air, as we had reached the airport of Olympia. For some reason we felt no ounce of fatigue nor hunger...except for Dion. We wasted no time loitering about in the airport as we didn't have much time left. Each hour glass was dripping to the other side fairly quickly. So we made our way directly to the Temple of Zeus.

As Mona was trying to get an quick easy route to the temple, I had spotted something fairly odd spread out on the cracked concrete.

"Mona...I don't think you'll have to find a map anymore." A black trail of dust appeared down on the surface, constantly making movement upon the ground, especially when I placed my foot on it. It lead down the end of the street.

"Guys, can you see this?" I asked, standing still for a moment in order for the others to find this black dust trail that was swirling around on the ground.

"What is it?" Rani questioned, squinting her eyes to examine the activity thoroughly that I was describing to her. As Rani was busy doing that, Eron brung his head up from where I was talking about.

"Wait, El. I think I see it." He started walking towards me as the other's began to agree with me on what I was seeing.

"Yeah, Ely I can see it too!" Ita exclaimed, taking one step after the other until everyone could now see the trail, perhaps leading to the temple.

"G, you need a piggyback?" Before we continued, I had to make sure that my girlfriend was comfortable at all times whilst on this quest. Yet she shocked me with her opposite answer.

"I'm okay." She practically lead the way, extremely eager to reach our destination. I sensed that as closer we were to Zeus' temple, it was if our Sin was deteriorating. But as we all knew, that wouldn't be for long.

We ended up nearly running towards the ruins, so desperate to attain answers we were determined to get and we were not leaving the country until we got them. I had enough of living an unhealthy and depressing life that I couldn't escape out of but..I was determined to today. Nothing was going to get in our way.

It was a mighty mix of Christian theology and Greek mythology, that we were trapped in. All of our "parents" were Catholics, who believed fully in the Seven Deadly Sins. Yet, our names and relations were part of Greek mythology, additionally, The Creator surely had ties with this stuff also. He was the one that explained to me about my "cousins", all of our relatives.

"Hey, Ely. Do we just need to stand in the middle of temple?" Mona was completely puzzled as to how we were going to continue with this mission.

"That's all he said to me, Mon. Just stand in the middle and wait til he calls for us."

"So we just jump over the barrier? Surely we'll be thrown off the site!" She panicked, hanging her head back, adjusting her top. I'm sure all the normals were afraid or either disapproving of us already so we'd be able to go against the restrictions of the temple, because there was no way that I was following...their orders. What are they going to do anyway if we don't follow the rules? I'm basically in charge of the anger that they feel towards me. It's all down to me!

"Yeah. And we won't, trust me." I replied with such certainty as I could see the top of some sort of monument but because it was in Greek, I couldn't decipher the text engraved at the top.

"Rani. What was that say up there? On the top." She left her side next to Eron and jumped over the sandy rocks blocking our way, to get a better look.

"ναός του Δία...t..temple of....ZEUS! TEMPLE OF ZEUS!! COME ON GUYS THIS WAY." She now took the lead after her triumphant discovery, the sounds of rocks and stones echoed under her Docs as we followed her closely behind. We were so close, it was in our midst, just calling our name. Moreover, as we neared the distance, Gia became more and more stronger with every step she took. Even the ruins of this sacred place had so much power bubbling beneath it.

Right, E. You are so close! Don't you bloody DARE mess this up! My inner thoughts were raging at the thought of only having to take a few more steps to become face to face with our destination.

And there it was, the temple of the almighty Zeus. All seven of us froze for a second, just to admire the view. But the weather didn't help a bit, going from radiant sunshine to a ghastly overcast that was concluded with droplets of rain, tapping the ground. Could this have been a sign? Something that was far from a coincidence.

"We can't just stand here and look at it. We're running out of time." Gia exclaimed, rather reluctant at this point. It was evident in her plea.

"She's right. C'mon let go!" I shooed everyone towards the temple ruins...but there was one thing...there wasn't any temple ruins, but instead the temple of Zeus was fully complete, with each pillar immaculate and each section of paint un-chipped.

We raced to the temple, ignoring the guard on duty. I shot him a glare, which seemed to glue his mouth shut immediately, but like literally...glue his mouth shut. The powers I had in the presence of this place had me baffled...but this was not the correct time to drown myself in awe and wonder.

"Come on, Ita, I've got you. Jump up." Dion latched onto her hand as she struggled to step over the barricade, heaving her over.

We had now gotten everybody over and now able to run up the ramp that lead directly to the middle of the temple.

"Soooo....is he gonna call for us or what then?" I said carelessly, growing insanely impatient. Lightning struck, clouds swirled violently as the rain came lashing it down, the skies grew dark.

The sacred ground we were standing on felt uneasy by the second, creating this feeling that that the stone was about to crack open, in which it did, with rumbles of thunder coming tumbling after. I wasn't sacred one bit, I think it was safe to say..none of us were, not even Gia like I thought she would've been. No fear ran through our bodies however, all of our hands were locked in with each other's, sending us all reassuring looks as we stood in the middle of a rumbling demolition.

Lightning acted as our force field..an attempt to create no chances of escape. But the strikes of light showed no gold, yet bulging green, zapping at the pillars.

"GIA!" She went from clinging to my hand and wrist, to lying lifeless on the ground. I couldn't believe this. A tortured isolated young girl potentially lying dead on the floor. But, that was suddenly followed by Mona collapsing, which had us incredibly worried. However, soon enough...they had all dropped like flies around me, such a horrific sights.

It got me feeling an emotion that, I had never felt before. Well something the opposite of what I felt when I witnessed people erupt into rage. But, with these kids..it made me feel something different, grief. Hope. Sympathy.

I was the last one standing, gradually feeling dizzy as the toxic wind and chaos grumbled even louder. I lost feeling in my legs, the same time I became nauseous and slapped against the grainy stone.

What was happening?!

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