|| 047 - Greed's Mother ||

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Pandora : The first woman, bestowed upon humankind as a punishment for Prometheus's theft of fire. Entrusted with a box containing all the ills that could plague people, she opened it out of curiosity and thereby released all the evils of human life.


Now it's time for you, moneybags. So your mother is somewhat unique to the rest, not a born goddess yet, sculpted by the hands of Zeus. And, I'm sure you all know the story when you hear me utter that...bitter name of hers.

It's the famous Pandora, my dear.

Now you're probably thinking, didn't Prometheus beat me to it? And yes, he did however, I always had my eye on her. I owned her first, yet my brother insisted I lay off, fore she was made especially for that ungrateful little prat. But, when I was able to get my hands on her, oh my...she was magnificent. Another women that was up the duff also.

So if you know the myth (which I'm hoping you do) she didn't listen at all to my brother's instructions of NOT opening that puny box he made for her. Her greed had already surfaced but despite being warned numerous times by the "mighty" Zeus not to associate with Pandora whatsoever as she could not be trusted.

I was besotted from first gaze and I'll tell you one thing, Mona. You definitely got your looks off of her. Right, enough of giving you compliments.

I insisted on marrying her as soon as possible, moreover she was expecting a child very soon, which was you Mona. Our family was great! We cared for all of the children in my care, which added up to three so far in total. I tried additionally hard to love Rani and Eron, despite looking at them as if they were scum of the earth.

Now, Pandora's Greed piled up rather quickly however, I showered her with everything she desired. After all...I did love her dearly. However, of course the ending didn't turn out as pleasant...

Pandora had started to become a lot more greedy and merely content with the amount of goods I had gotten for her. Her angelic attitude and behaviour was showing signs of deterioration.

I tried to brush it off but, I soon realised, I couldn't do it anymore. And that realisation eventually hit me when she began to steal my own personal belongings as a way of demanding even more stuff of me. I finally cracked.

P: Hades, I need a new silk cloth!

H: Well you can forget about it.

P: Excuse me!?

H: You heard me! I've had enough of your eternal lists of demands.

P: You can't talk to me like that! You're not understanding! I have compulsory needs that have to be met with the best possible outcome.

H: And the best possible outcome is you acting like a spoilt brat until you get what you want? How pathetic!

P: Well it's not my fault that I needed necessary items for Mona, not forgetting Rani and Eron.

H: So a golden trough was necessary for the kids? Or for you so you could put your crap in it.

P: It was for the children! To put all of their garments and toys in it so yes, there was actually purpose in that! Anyway, you don't seem to care for my Mona as much as I do. I mean, don't you see how dedicated I am to my own daughter!?

H: Yes I do. But that's why I've come to a conclusion.

P: Is that so? And what might that be?

H: I'm kicking you out. And you can take your possessions and get the hell out.

P: Well that's very nice of you. I didn't want to spend another night with you anyway.

H: Right back at you, darling.

P: Now just let me get my stuff and my baby and then I can get out of here.

H: Woah there! That's part of your punishment. Mona's staying here with me. You will never get to see her again.


H: Well...I'll make you this deal. You choose between your prized possessions or, your daughter. The choice is yours.

P: But I love Mona! She is my own! Ugh whatever! I don't want to spend another minute stuck in this place with you. I'm getting my stuff and I'm going.

H: Wow..so you're seriously choosing materialistic wealth over your own flesh and blood? That says a lot about you, darling. You obviously don't love her enough if you fed your greed.

End of flashback...

So with no other form of backchat, she dashed out the door with her things without even sparing a second glance at you. Her own daughter. She was never content with anything she was given. Beautiful sheen tunics, fine golden jewellery, pounds of solid gold...even you! She was never happy with anything she had received. So with that, I punished you for having a mum so appalling as that.

You now became the offspring of the Principal of Greed. And...just another one of the Sinners that I kept hostage. And I could see you three were already fitting into your sins remarkably, especially Rani, developing episodes of Envy...likewise with Eron. So I knew that you would be the perfect addition to this incredible abomination I created.

And I'm not remorseful for any of it...

You deserved it.

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