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~Let light shine out of the darkness.

~2 Corinthians 4:6


"You defo fancy her." This is what I dealt with the whole five hour and a bit flight all the way to Greece. Why are girls so eager to know about other people's relationships? I think you all know by now that love nor likeness to be in a relationship does not lie with Rani. Not saying anymore.

"Shut up, Mona. I don't know why it was a good idea to find two girls first who are Sinners." I put my hood up, hanging my head down in stress, dried bloody hands balled into fists, clenched tightly.

"Aww he's getting defensive because we've sussed it out of him." Ita chimed in, nudging my side.

"I'm getting defensive because you're assuming that I like her and I don't."

"Oh yeah~ I forgot that he's in love with the girl from his past life." Ita clocked back upon, remembering that I had mentioned to her very vaguely about the mystery girl that was ripping my head apart with each minute of knowing nothing about her anymore.

I wasn't in the mood to discuss this topic anymore. We had more important things to focus on. However nothing's more important than her. STOP IT. GET A BLOODY GRIP KID!

"Come on. We've got better things to be doing. It doesn't matter now." My head was about to drift back into regret. Until Rani came striding in, with her bellybutton piercing glistening in the bright light and in Liverpudlian terms; snarling the couple that were casually floundering beside her, minding their business.

"Thank god you all are here

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"Thank god you all are here. I was about to start attacking that couple with my donut." I think that was the child of Gluttony's job. No actually, they wouldn't want it to go to waste.

Mona dragged her along to our side, refraining her from bursting out her true yet false society colours. I discovered that her chocolate smooth eyes would fade into a fierce green, the colour that envious behaviour and sin is associated with.

Yet, her orbs were perfectly sane when she was present around us. As she lead us to the exit, a gasp sped out her full lips.

"I forgot to say. Is that other Sinner, the one of Lust called Eron?"

"Yeah. What about him?"

"I knew it. That horny little creep keeps commenting all on my pics "I need you now babygirl" or "quit making me frustrated. I'll fly over to Greece myself and teach you a lesson" with about sixty tongue, drooling faces, heart eyes and water emojis. And you don't even want to know what he gets up to in DMs."

My body shivered with cringe and desperation. After all, he couldn't help it. Yet he still chose to chat up another Sinner, knowing full well that she was one of them, therefore his desirable charm that swooned women and men wore off whilst flirting with Rani, and wanting her to cure his "frustration" as he referred to it.

"Ew. You're right, I don't want to know." I stated loud and clear, darting off to get outside. I really wasn't interested. If anything, my Wrath came bubbling up to the surface every time I thought about his keen actions.

I heard the girls gossiping behind me.

"Jeez. What's up with him?" Rani asked confused, her trademark eye roll sent my direction.

"Most likely relationship problems. He's just a bit sad about his past life love." Rani ah'd at Mona's response. I was really not in the mood. At all.

"Mona, put a sock in it before I rip both pairs of earrings out your ears." My threat was far from an empty one, and sent even more shots of shocks jittering through their bodies. Knowing very well that I would carry out my words. This made them quickly start jogging behind me, meeting me at my dying request....

Stick to our main goal. Anything else was insignificant.

Continuous Sinner. {COMPLETED.}Where stories live. Discover now