|| 050 - Pride's Mother ||

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Hybris ~ Goddess of insolence, violence, reckless pride and outrageous behaviour.


Initially, Ely, you were actually second, but I feel like it would make more sense if I leave you 'til last. For the time being, Ita. The youngest stepchild. It's your turn to know the truth about your mother and I am sorry, actually, I'm not sorry for what I'm going to call her. She was one of the biggest bitches I've ever met...and that is a fact!

Hybris. What. A. Tart! And on top of that, she was a malicious deliberate troublemaker. No wonder she is the goddess of outrageous behaviour. What is with me choosing all the crazy women!?

Anyway, let me get into this. I actually met Hybris on the beach. How romantic right? But the real reason she was there was to get away from all the other bodies that were less beautiful than she was. That's what she told me. And at the time, I was caught into her trap. Oh my, her beauty was STRIKING! She had a purpose of being so full of herself, she was so flipping flawless. And I look at you now Ita, and see your mother's looks. But that's probably the only thing I can compliment you on.

I didn't even care about her Pride at that moment. All I thought about was getting married to her. She just had that look that made me go weak at the knees every time I saw her, graced her name upon my lips or even just thought about her! And guess what? I wanted to marry her quickly, so that we could not only "care" for our children but for the child she was carrying currently.


Somehow, she was attracted to me too and was all for the idea of moving to the Underworld and helping out with family.

But that only lasted about three days.

She began to constantly spout about how beautiful she was and how she was so much more important than any of the kids...or anyone else for that matter! It ended up being all about her.

However, that wasn't the worst part. Her true colours were revealed as I found out about the despicable acts she had committed, due to her being either undermined, second best or made a fool of. I was appalled.

I called her up on this one day, as her hubristic attitude was simply too much for me to handle. Moreover, it wasn't right for any of you to be around.

H: Right, we need to talk.

HB: Can't you see I'm a little busy doing my hair?

H: Yeah I can. But you proclaim to be absolutely amazing, right? So surely you're able to multitask.

HB: What do you want?

H: I just don't wasn't to do this anymore. I've realised what you really are. Which is-

HB: The best? Oh, dear I already know that.

H: Just shut up and let me speak. You're a no good arrogant narrow minded bitch.

HB: Erm, excuse me? Who on Earth are you talking to!?

H: Someone who thinks there's nothing wrong of killing innocent people AND children just because they're better than you. That is disgusting, Hybris.

HB: Oh please! You'd understand why I do that if you were in my sandals.


HB: And? Wouldn't you?

H: You disgust me! I can't let you anywhere near the kids! And that includes Ita.


H: Oh yeah? Just watch me. Your morals are all over the place. You're not fit to be a mother!

HB: Don't be getting angry with me just because your past wives were ugly morons who treated their kids like dirt. You're looking at the best here.

H: See? There you go again! Constant selfish behaviour. I can't believe I saw something in you. I was willing to give you a chance. To see if you weren't as bad as everyone else made you out to be. But you are. In fact...you're even worse than that!

HB: You know what!? I don't want to spend another minute in here with you. I'm leaving.

H: That's great news! I should throw a party for that!

HB: Oh whatever! I don't have time for your snide comments.

H: You never have time for anyone, do you?

HB: it's because no one deserves it.

At this point, she kept taking out her stuff of the Underworld into a cart until she was only needing one more thing. But I wasn't going to let that happen. Just as soon as she was heading back in to take you with her, I slammed the doors in her face, and used my abnormal powers to make sure that she was never able to set foot in my house again.


H: I'm afraid I can't let you do that.

She remained glued to the obsidian path, facing the gate demanding you, until I got Cerberus to shoo her out.

End of flashback..
As you can see, your mother was poison. And so are you. I see you everyday in France, acting exactly how she did. But I guess I can't complain. I'm the one who made you like that. Now you know what it's like to be Hybris. After all..she adored you.

So it made even more sense to inject the venomous soul she had into her daughters body. Like mother, like daughter.

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