|| 023 - Sloth ||

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Sloth ~ An absence or insufficiency of love. A lacking of any feeling for the world, laziness.

Terrace 4; The slothful must run continuously for lacking in their pursuit of God.



It was his parents calling him. He tapped 'accept' warily as he put the phone on speaker for us all to hear.

"Hello?" He answered hastily, cracking his knuckles anxiously as he knew that it was his mum. Mum or Dad, he was afraid of both the Li's.

"Dion." A stern voice broke the silence, which made him shiver with reluctance. Eron was quick to slide his arm around him, in which Dion fitted his head slowly on his shoulder to calm himself down.

"Hello Mom. Is everything okay?"

"Yes everything is fine. I was just calling to say that we have been offered a transfer just for the week to do some extra marketing work overseas so we're leaving tomorrow."

"W-Where are you going?" He began gnawing at his hoodie sleeves, trying to find antidote to his anxiety.

"Tauranga in New Zealand." The girls who were lying down immediately sat up, as well as us boys looking at each other in bewilderment. If we weren't mistaken, Tauranga was where we'd find the last remaining Sinner, Sloth.

"Oh right. Well...umm am I coming too?" We we're all hoping that the answer would be what we were hoping for.

"Uhh, we weren't planning on taking you with us." What careless parents! It was like they didn't even care about their "son". No wonder he was finding things hard.

"B-But I've got enough savings left for a flight there. If I pay for it myself, can I go?" Our fingers were crossed tightly.

"But it's just tha- alright then. But, you can either get an earlier or later flight than us. We're not letting you get on the same plane as us, I'm sorry. It's just that we're going with the company." We still couldn't get over the fact how rude and unloving they were towards him. Eron could see that he was upset that his "mother" said that to him so he grabbed his hand and secured it in his.

"Don't worry. It'll be okay." He whispered ever so quietly in his ear so that he was inaudible to Melia Li.

"Okay. I will make sure to do so." He replied lowly.

"Oh, I almost forgot. My coworker who lives there has a daughter your age so if you are going, she did offer that whenever we all go over there, we can stay with them. I'll send you a picture of her, okay? Speak to you soon." She didn't even give him time to say goodbye as the phone was hung up on him. I did feel very sorry for this lad. No one should be disrespected like that, especially by a guardian. He let out a deep sorrowful gulp of breath. His eyes were ready to give in to the unlikeness of his "mother". Fortunately, he was strong and able enough to reign them in.

"The way your mum speaks to you is unbelievable." Ita was in shock, disbelief and most certainly disgust. Even she felt hurt that someone had just spoken to her friend....crush....like he was just some piece of dirt on the end of their shoe.

"I'm used to it. But I even told you that they're ashamed of me. They don't even want to be on the same plane as me." His hand was still occupied by Eron's as he answered Ita in a nonchalant tone. Like this was just another day he had to endure this torture and disgracefulness. His phone had now received the message his "mum" told him that she would send him.

"That must be he- wait. Ely! Come over here and check this out." I scuttled my way over, intrigued of what he had spotted. Her face was covered by her hands but, on the back of her right hand, this was stamped on it.

 Her face was covered by her hands but, on the back of her right hand, this was stamped on it

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"No. Way." I was stunned. What luck!

"Why, what? Have you found something?" Mona's question was filled to the brim with hope.

"Yes I have. We've got the last one. She is the Daughter of Sloth."

Gia's POV.
I spend most if not all of my life, cocooned in blankets. It's not my fault that I think that life is a waste. I was so unfortunate to be given a life I don't want to even live. Nothing really matters in this world of ours. I just know that everything in my life that I want and dream about, are useless and they will forever be just dreams.

I'm not going to lie to you but, I am probably the biggest dreamer you will meet. I would to one day become and artist or dabble in the English literature field. I would love to travel the world and visit the Seven Wonders of the World. I would love to be able to say that I went to the city of love and share a midnight kiss on the Eiffel Tower or take a tour of two my favourite places in the world, South Korea and Japan. This sounds stupid but I'd even love to be able to own a dog and a cat someday and give them so much love as I was never able to receive that love from the people who adopted me. But, I would love to see if the person who always pops up in my dreams every day exists. That's what I dream about and hope to happen to me the most.

It's crazy as well, how I spend all my days in my bed, and I'm not even allowed to sleep. It's not my "mother" who doesn't allow me to sleep. It's the insomnia that I was diagnosed, in other words, cursed with.

But it's so painful just to know that I will not be able to achieve these things. "Mum" just says it's my depression getting the better of me but it's more than that. I just feel it. There's just this constant presence of idleness shadowing me. As well as misfortune. I've left school, I now self harm, I now smoke to drain me from any reality or sanity in this society and now, I just feel forced to dream about things, as a punishment that I know I'm never going to fulfil.

Especially always seeing that same boy everyday, never leaving my side. Lying with me for hours, talking about how terrible life is. Telling me that it's okay to show my true self every single day of my life, because that's when he loves me the most. But for some reason, he can't always say the word 'love' but always tells me that he'll always be able to show me through actions better rather than communication.

It's heart warming to know that I always have that daydream to rely on when I'm depressed. But what's heartbreaking to know....

Is that he will only always ever be is a dream.

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