|| 027 - Ely's Moment ||

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~ Let us not love with words or speech, but with actions and in truth.

1 John 3:18


No. No. No. No. This was NOT happening right now. My eyes were deceiving me, for sure. They had to be. As I studied her face, I soon realised that this was far from my hallucinations. But in fact, that was the face that I had once held in my hands. Eyes that I had once spent ages drowning in.

That was the face I had once had the pleasure in kissing. It was her.

It was all coming back to me now. Her messy bun that had stray strands of hair falling loose beside her face. Her light hazel relaxed eyes that still were pure with that distinct sparkle. Her soft magnificent lips were still full and perked with that Cupid's bow I absolutely adored. And her multiple pierced ears were still small and cute as always.

"Gia?" She was also in shock, but I wasn't quite sure if it was for the same reason I was struck about. She nibbled on the end of her sleeves, out of nerves.

"Yeah, that's me

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"Yeah, that's me. A-Are you one of the S-Sinners?" She stuttered. Oh my lord, her voice was still smooth as silk with that lethargic tone she always had. I should've known that she was one of us. Otherwise how would I have been in a relationship without my venomous anger showing in the first place?

"Yeah. I am." I tried to show a warm smile at her. Normally, I would find it really difficult as being happy and polite were my definite weak points. But when it came to Gia, it was like I didn't even have to think about trying. It just came naturally. I stood back at beckoned the others to come closer.

"C-Come in you guys." She lead the way as I let Mona go on first as I waited to join Ita. To tell her about my discovery.

"Ita! Get over here!" I whisper shouted, in which she quickly rushed over to my aid.

"What's up, Ely?"

"That's her." I didn't have to say anything else explaining myself other than that. She knew straight away what I was meaning. She gasped, putting her hands on my shoulder. Her eyes were as wide as mine, as she knew how much I loved her. This was all a humongous shock.

"No. Way. Ely, you need to go after her. Make her yours again."

"It's all too soon. And besides, she won't remember. And I'll mess everything up. I can't do that Ita. As much as I want to, we've come this far." I sighed. I was literally screwed. Like I said, I wasn't able to have her, even if she was one of us.

"Hey. You listen to me." The roles had reversed, with her now taking charge.

"How do you know she won't remember? Are you forgetting that we're immortal, we might not remember our lives like you do but, we have visions and dreams about them. Maybe she has dreams or something like that about you? It's a possibility." I listened to her, not replying to her but I nodded, walking through the door and shutting it behind me. I hoped what Ita said was true. Just go for it, E.

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