|| 038 - The Explanation ||

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We villains are a very select group indeed. In the very desperation of our hate rests our strength.

~ Cyclops


We were now sheltered beneath a large cliff of bedrock, firm and solid above our heads. This was his room, and as we came to the entrance of his hideaway...it was like entering a different world.

The walls were nearly wallpapered by his multiple items of expensive jewellery, pricey software and various items scattered around his king sized bedroom.

And yes, his room was covered with cash however, there were parts, identical to my room back home. Several slashes, holes in the walls (holes in a wall of bedrock!!), broken items in one corner.

In fact, there were aspects of every single one of us in that room. There was a cupboard that was labelled "things stolen from other gods". Multiple mirrors. A stash of sweets, junk food and fruit just waiting to be devoured. Another cupboard that wasn't labelled however, but the contents of what was inside of that cupboard were highly predictable...considering that there was a packet of condoms and rope peeping out of the bottom. His bed wasn't made and his sheets were yet to be cleaned and changed.

He showed a little bus of everything from us, which was rather peculiar. But that's what he was supposedly going to tell us now if we listening.

So as we plonked ourselves down on his massive bed, he began his explanation.

"Like I promised, I'll tell you everything. Hades is actually my father. And my mother is Persephone." We looked at each other in disbelief...but also confusion.

"But why would your own father keep his own son against his will locked away in The Underworld?" Ita spoke on behalf of everyone.

"Because he despises me. When Mum left him, he was that angry that he threatened to kill her if she took me with her. So, all my lives I've been kept in Tartarus, the worst part of The Underworld."

"Wait..lives?" Mona questioned, looking at him so gently.

"I'm immortal. I've tried to take my life thousands of times by jumping into the River Styx or using my strength to bash so hard into the bedrock that part of it would snap off and drop on top of me, but...like always, doesn't work. I just only get reset." Ajax was starting to become unbelievably relatable, explaining all of his problems that funnily enough we shared with him. We all told him that we got the same result as he did.

"Do you know why he's keeping you in here?"

"If I only knew for certain. I have these visions or dreams of Dad, always arguing with someone, something about creating them that way, wanting them to rebel just to watch them fail or something like that." I kept replaying those words in my head. They sounded extremely familiar. And that's when I realised...

"Wait...that was me he was saying those things to. Back when I said that I found Eron and Ita." I spoke out, referring to what Ajax had just said.

"Ah, right." He replied in thought, toying with his earring.

"How do you even know who we are, though? Just from them visions?"

"Pretty much, Ely. But also by overhearing him talk about you Seven, and how you ruined his life." To be honest, we weren't completely surprised that he hated us but...

We ruined his life?

We weren't resting until we found out more. There was no escaping now, fore we had to unlock all the answers from this kid.

"Ruined his life? How exactly did we do that?"

"Unfortunately, that's the thing I don't know and I don't even know how he knows you all or why the real reason to my father keeping me prisoner here. I'm not allowed beyond the depths of Tartarus. I've never been out into the real world. And before any of you ask about my lustrous side and if I'm never out of this place, I get entertainment from the other souls who are down here and some higher class people and Gods know I'm here so they try and sneak over from the Elysian Fields to fulfil my desires. But I don't want to be like that at all. I bet you all feel like that too."

As he was talking to us, he kept lifting his hands up slightly while doing so. What I saw, was a something in the palm of his left hand. I wasn't the only one that saw it. Gia called him softly.

"I just want to see these things in your palm." He shrugged, laying out his had flat on the bed for my girlfriend to examine. As she studied it, we knew after a short amount of time what it was...and it was rather clear from our impressions of Ajax.

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