|| E P I L O G U E . ||

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So you're all probably wondering how we're all doing now and if you're not...well I'm just gonna tell you anyway because life. Is. Great!

Here's our stories after you last clapped eyes on us and I think it's safe to say, eight years down the line, we've finally been able the opportunity of making our name for ourselves....


After so long of denying her feelings, Rani and Eron made their relationship official as soon as they went back to his place for the party. Now at the ripe ages of twenty-five and twenty-six, their wedding day (which we were all invited to) was next month in Greece, which is were they now they both settled down in a fabulous beachside mini mansion located in Corfu. Rani and Eron didn't just swim in the money of their parents, yet they truly put everyone to shame, owning two money attracting occupations. The previous lusty now becoming a Marine Biologist whereas for Rani, she was an advanced Makeup Artist who worked for world renowned celebrities. Their lives were definitely turned around, not even glancing back at their incompetent ways...well...Eron did for reasons that involved the bedroom.

Now, I'm guessing you're wanting to check up on how both Dion and Ita are coping. Mum kept to her word and allowed any of us to visit any time we wished, which she took advantage of and she too moved to Greece in order to be with her fiancé of two years. Even though she moved out her parents' house in Saint-Could, they luckily owned another house in Santorini which they gave to their only daughter. She worked for her parents' company. She'd go and visit him at least twice a week! And not only that, Mum was kind enough to bend Dion's supposed "probation" by letting him spend a couple of weeks at a time with Ita. I was so relieved that she was in a good state of mind, additionally, as I saw her as literally my baby sister, a couple of days ago was her twenty-third birthday so I treated her to a little getaway in Bora Bora with her fiancé. Everything was paid for by myself. I just wanted the best for her.

Well, it's time to move on to our Ajax and Mona. Firstly, my little bro was welcomed with open arms by my parents, offering the spare room of the house to him until he got back on his feet. After two years of living with me, at the age of eighteen, he flew to Verona in order to be reunited with his girlfriend. I was very impressed with him, fore the main reason he went back there was to rescue Mona and her family out of over six thousand euros in debt, in which they succeeded. My adoptive father was kind enough to take Jax under his wing at his accountancy firm. And for lovely Mona, her family was brought back upon their feet, with the plethora of expensive goods located in her home disintegrating. Additionally, her and her boyfriend were planning to settle down and move in together, saving up enough money to purchase a cosy house in Venice. Just watching them make a life for themselves just filled me with so much joy and peace, yet also respect for my brother. I felt like it was my responsibility to still look after him so we did visit Mum together quite often within the six months of each year that she was free from Hades...which was during Spring and Summer.

Now...the moment you've all been waiting for. Well, I hope you're looking forward to my piece. At current ages, twenty four and five, Gia and I are now happily married and have been for six wonderful years. And not only that, we have just been blessed with a absolutely gorgeous little girl who we named Anthea, our blooming flower.

Let me take you back to the beginning. Now, we were determined to carry out everything we promised each other we'd complete. So we stayed together, as we said we'd do. No chance of possible separation and once again, my parents were more than happy to take her in as well, obviously sharing a bed with yours truly. However, we didn't stay long, as our funds were through the roof for a new house of our own (due to Gia being a talented freelance artist and myself becoming an award winning tattoo artist) but, we had so many leftover cash. So I could only use that money, to make my wonderful wife's dreams from her early years. Seven Wonders of the world? Check. A kiss shared at midnight underneath the Eiffel Tower? Check. Six months of staying in Japan and Korea? Check. And when we put our feet up in a PHENOMENAL house overlooking the rich blue waters in Greece (not that far away from Rani and Eron nor Ita) I knew how much Gia wanted a dog and a cat so for a housewarming gift, I gave her a Siberian Husky who she called Rory and an adorable Turkish Angora cat which she named Violet. I'll never forget her face when I surprised her with them both. Her shimmering hazel eyes bursting with gratitude and love as she opened the boxes.

So now, we had responsibilities that we both took great and religious care of. Rory and Violet but especially our first kid, our baby girl. You just had to see her. She is absolutely beautiful. And you best believe we care and love Annie with our lives. She became our salvation, the most precious thing in our lives that we made absolutely sure that we kept her as far away as possible from the tortured lives we all once lived. And I guess you could say that we are doing a good job!

All of us were and still are able to live the lives we were all DESPERATE to live way back to our teen years. And now we got what we asked for, with some unfortunate compromises however, we were nothing like the vulnerable kids we were before.

And I definitely know that I'm not that same psychotic wrathful Ely Roselli who destroyed everything thing in his path, obliterated the relationships he had with anyone who crossed him. His soul was black, no hope. No high expectations or future plans. He was far beyond interested in succeeding in the world that he was unfortunately placed on. Fore he was just intoxicated with continuous permanent torturing Sin.

But let me tell you now. I'm not that same seventeen year old lad. And in most cases I've defeated Wrath. Only when needed, I still had a bit of raging spark, but that only flared up in negative circumstances that involved Eron, Rani, Dion, Mona, Ita, Ajax, Mum, My Gia and my Annie.

I still needed to protect my family. Now that was vital.

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