|| 053 - "He's definately done it now." ||

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~ At the end of the day, you can either focus on what's tearing you apart...or what's holding you together.

~ Unknown


Brothers? I kind of knew already that there was some sort of connection between us. Ever since I first met him. The natural arguments and fights, the quick resolutions, the likeliness of accents, even our physical appearance was so similar! Why didn't I call up on this sooner!? Well...him being the younger brother, it was obvious that his good looks came from the one and only Ely Roselli! Jesus E, you're beginning to sound like Ita!

"Now that explains a lot." I heard Eron cackle from behind. I thought he was going to have my back but obviously not.

"Oi! Watch it, Ticeros." I didn't have to say anything else for him to get the message with Ajax accompanying my distress and seal his mouth, tightlipped as Rani stood close to him, giggling.

"Alright, Alright cut it out. It's my job to make those comments, Horny boy." Eron rolled his eyes, taking after his lovely friend with benefits.

I was done stalling, I just wanted what I came for. And that was my Wrath to be eliminated!

The eight of us stood there, waiting. For what seemed like eternity. What was he playing at? The message had already been made clear and simple, that he internalised his euphoria whilst picking our brains apart.

"Please can we just have our Sins revoked?" Mona whined, her five foot four structure that was decked down in Gucci aching with desperation.

"Oh Mona I forgot you were here! Looks like you're getting too close for comfort for my liking with my son."

His comments sent each one of us over the roof with sheer fury.

"Well if you must know, There's this word that describes people that have a mutual bond with each other, it's called friends. I know you haven't heard of this but It's quite common." Ajax's response was substantially correct. I still couldn't believe that I didn't realise that he was my brother earlier, he's certainly got the dialect of a Roselli.

"Ha, ha. So hilarious. You want to know what my answer is or not?" We all nodded our heads, crossing our fingers with hope.

"No." His answer was stern and final, sniggering into his chalice that he sat chugging for what seemed like two days.

Rani had reached her breaking point. She dragged herself out of Eron's grasp, stomping up to the main stage that the Creator was plonked on.

"Right, I've just about had enough of your bullshit. I want my Envy took away and the rest of our sins removed. All of us are sick and tired of living like prisoners. Ita can't go a second without bigging herself up and putting everyone else down. Mona is drowning her parents in debt. Dion spends most of his time puking his guts out into a toilet. Even Eron, he is only loved for being an annoying, sleazy, irritating, rude, pretentious, womanising-."

"Thanks, doll. We get the picture."

"Idiotic player. Ajax hasn't even seen the light of day in all of his life. Then you have Gia, poor baby, trapped inside her room all day and night, her wrists and legs all marked with painful scars. And then you have Ely. Anything in his way is destroyed, uncontrollable anger gets him kicked out from school and not only that, you've treated him the worst out of all of us. You're poison, making us pay the price for your misfortune. Why can't you just let us live our lives? Properly." Wow. She finally cracked, for the better.

You could detect the ripples in her eyes, her tears hovering over her bottom lids. For once, we all saw the real distress that this girl was experiencing, not the facade that she applied from the moment she met us.

Hades hesitated for an answer, witnessing the pain in her eyes. And the void of comfort that filled us as we stood there, hanging on thread for an promising reply.

"Well...since you put it like that...no!" It was my turn to switch the Wrath onto the prude who put me in this mess.

"ARE YOU TAKING THE PISS!? I swear, let lightning strike me down right now, I will kick your ass so hard that you'll be able to taste those pomegranate seeds of yours, you hear me?" I gritted through my teeth as nearly the whole gang of Sinners had to pull me back from living out my word.

My eyes were pitch black and my veins matched, the tattoos streaked against my tanned skin practically glowing with vengeance. My fists were an inch away from his smug face however, weren't able to do the job by mostly Ajax, yanking me back to his side.

"Easy tiger or I'll be feeding you to the dogs. You should know the deal by now! Why would I let you all have a good life?"

"Then why did you just lead us all on then? We genuinely thought that we were gonna stand a chance against you, eventually getting our Sins banished." Ita argued back, her foot mustering a great stomp in temperament. I knew that there was no way in hell that were going to get what we wanted.

I managed to reign in my vicious temper, just for the sake of the others, especially Gia. I looked back at her, seeing a worrying expression on her delicate face. It destroyed me not to sweep her up in my arms. But then again, I started not to care anymore, about anything. And it shouldn't matter what happens now, I knew that we weren't gonna get anywhere so, I decided to take matters into my own hands, not bothering about the consequences anymore. I just wanted my girl.

"Right, I can't take this anymore." I strode over to Gia and wrapped my arms securely around her. Hades was more than annoyed but, I really didn't care at this point.

"El, don't!" Eron whispered, concerned for the comeuppance of my actions.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Hades inquired, standing up.

"He's definitely done it now." Dion sighed to Ita.

"I'm comforting my GIRLFRIEND. I have had it up to here, denying my feelings for her. Well I'm not gonna do it no more, considering we're not getting anywhere with you, despite travelling all this bloody way like you told us to. I'm not gonna keep my mouth shut from you, you don't scare me. So listen up and listen good, you're not gonna break us up. She's epitome of my life, the only person who can make my Wrath disappear within an instant. Who can wash away this sham of a lifestyle. So do your worst, you're never gonna get rid of the fact that... I love her."

"Oh no he's said the one thing he swore he wasn't gonna say aloud." Mona became reluctant, as well as everyone else.

"I don't care who hears it. Gia....

I love you."

Continuous Sinner. {COMPLETED.}Where stories live. Discover now