the story is about Emily Fields who is madly in love with her best friend Alison Dilaurentis but never had courage to tell her.
They will face lots of difficulties but the most important question is will they end up together.
read to know what hap...
I was left shock from the gift I received I know like always they will gift me something crazy but this is........extreme "oh there is also a letter " I said in a sarcastic voice why can't they do something normal for once with that I started to read what was written
Dear emily,
I know it's late for a birthday gift but your parents were to stubborn to let us give you your gift earlier but don't worry I convinced them I know how much you wanted this , i hope u came to visit us this year it's already been few months that we haven't seen your face , we miss you ... a lot ,maybe later come with your friends to visit us and let them know the true Emily fields because I think is time for that .
With love from
Amelia and Gerald F.
Ok i love too guy but if you think that I will change my decision your wrong i mentally said to my self " but now were can I hide this" I mutter under my breath " garage " i run there and pull out my baby range rover evoque that I've been using since I got my license
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After that my phone start to ring with out looking at caller I D i respond " hello who is talking " " me idiot hanna" "oh tell me " "can the girls came to your house for sleep over " " yes why not I m alone my parents didn't came back yet from there 'small vacation ' but when are you guys coming " "in 16 minutes " "ok " with that she hung up . After few minutes they arrive first aria with her mazda mx5rf
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Then spencer with bmw serie 7
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