the story is about Emily Fields who is madly in love with her best friend Alison Dilaurentis but never had courage to tell her.
They will face lots of difficulties but the most important question is will they end up together.
read to know what hap...
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"What the hell happened to you em?"aria
"She get hurt trying to win a crown for me to make me happy"ali
"are you stupid "hanna
"No I'm not i just wanted to make her happy And at the end I'm fine so where is the problem "
"one thing that should do noel because he is her boyfriend ok "
"What do you Think if he would have accepted I would have gone ,his reaction was priceless " i said remembering his face
"Ok now, let's just start watching a movie"spencer
"OK"we said in unison
"What movie do you want to watch "aria
"Of course it's one of my favorite movies, but if some of you start crying, it's not my fault"hanna
"please I saw that film more than1000 times I would never cry" i said with confidence
"H a ha you say it all the time then you start crying again"ali
After the movie ended, everyone was crying
"guys, stop crying, let's play Truth "hanna
"For me it's okay" we turn the bottle and stop at Spencer
"Ok who wants to ask a question to Spencer" aria Raise her hand
"What was the best day of your life"
"it was when we had gone on a trip and I had my first kiss "she says hiding from the looks then we go on and the bottle and stops on Hanna
"what is the thing you are most afraid of losing"
"food" was the most likely answer we could have from her
then we turn again and stop on me
"what is the thing that makes you sadder in this world"
"very easy to see the person you love falling in love with someone else and you can not do anything but see her and hope for her happiness"
everyone was looking at me before someone could say anything else i flip the bottle that stopped on Aria
hanna asks "you still have a crush on noel" looking towards Alison She says "No I have a new crush on another person who is much more important but does not know how to tell..."
then instead of shooting Spencer immediately asks alison "What was the biggest mistake of your life"
"Do not tell the truth to the person I love and make her believe that I was happy with another person ....... not having the courage to say my true feelings __ Maybe because I was afraid of prejudices but now I don't care because now I'm sure of my feelings and I will not let go of the persone without fighting "
we look into each other's eyes "I have to go right now but I'll be back soon"
I get up and run without having the slightest idea where I'm going Alison keep calling me but I dont care right now then I stop in kissing rock and I turn to her and ask
"what is your problem because every time I try to move or be happy you tell me something that forces me to think of you even if I do not want, you like to hurt me, because you keep saying things if you do not want to leave him why you make me fell that you have feelings for me?why do you keep playing with our feelings because you can not choose between us? "
"I have already chosen the first time I felt guilty because I seemed to have betrayed you when I had to feel the opposite because I had betrayed noel but anyway my heart my body felt disgusted I thought you did not forgive me I believed that this feeling I felt was for noel but in reality it was for you, I agree to have made a mistake but please give me another chance to make you notice that I love you you're not just a crush You're my life I never told anyone because I was never sure of my feelings but now I'm sure to love you, not let our mistakes can decide our future Give me a chance that's all I ask, I promise you as soon as possible i will finish my story with him "
And with that she starts crying madly I did not know what to do I did not know whether to give him a chance to break my heart but I knew I could not see her this way because it breaks my heart so i said "ok I'll give you a chance but now stop crying please i hate when you cry get up please "then she looks at me with a smile and then her eyes land on my lips I do the same Then she said
"Kiss me" I do as I am told
A/n Sorry for the mistakes I can't believe people readed my book, I was never a bookaholic until emison came in my life