the story is about Emily Fields who is madly in love with her best friend Alison Dilaurentis but never had courage to tell her.
They will face lots of difficulties but the most important question is will they end up together.
read to know what hap...
I was at my house thinking about Alison and our first time
i still can't believe that I lost my virginity withthe girl i love and the best part is she reciprocates my feelings
" ok em i know you are excited but you have to ask alison on a date after she broke up with noel " i mentally said myself and start thinking what can i do ?or where can i take her my thought get interups by my phone that was ringing when i see the caller I D a smile appear on my face
Phone conversation
"Hello beautiful "
"Hi em can you came to rosewood park please now"
"Of course "
Then she hang up without saying bye strange maybe she is in hurry because she wants to say something maybe she wants to say something about her break up with noel and she excited that we can finally be together just thinking about that makes me jump from happiness.
But there wasSomething. That was telling me that there is something off. But I didn't want it to think like that. I was Gonna finally have Alison by my side. After so many years being in love with her, so how can I think negative? Now I need to be positive. For once, I need to be positive, not negative. Am I wrong? I hope not I waited so many years just for this day. I'm sure After few hours I'm going to have it all. soon ali Will be single And I'm going to ask her on a date. And then after a few dates, she's gonna be my girlfriend then We're gonna get married after a few years and then we'll get beautiful babies. Hey, my life is already set oh wait Then we'll grow old together. And will die together. What else can I want from life?
At the park
" Hey" i said and she turn and look at me but she wasn't looking happy or___ excited she was looking sad and nervous
" H__i " she said with a broken voice
"Em what i m going to say maybe itwill hurt but in that moment i didn't know what to do "
"Explain i'm not understanding anything that your saying"
"I know that before coming hereyou werw thinking that i will tell you about my break up with noel "
" yes, what else ?"I asked trying to elaborate what is happening. There was so much confusion going through my head then. Her voice. Her shaking voice, her nervousness. I just couldn't connect What I was seeing, hearing Or maybe I didn't want it to connect. Because I knew already it will broke my heart
" i didn't break up with him i was about to but he was behaving really good so i dicided tell him that i cheated but he said that's ok if i don't do that again and he ask me another chance because he said he love me and he wants to prove his love i didn't know what to do i was feeling___ feeling guilty so i give him a chance to prove his love and he start kissing me a__nd w_e had s_e_x i don't khow one moment we were talking another moment we were.........."
I don't know what to say i was standing there, tears running down my face feeling completely broken
" I m n_ot g_oing to st_op you if you will be ha_ppy with hi_m than i m going n_ot to cam_e bet__ween you to two " after saying that we stay there looking at each after few minutes starts to rain at that point our tears were mixed with the rain and we were completely wet
" i think i should go good__ luck and good_bye "I started to walk away till I felt some Someone's arm around me from behind.i knew itWas Alison I heard her sobbing. So for our friendship sake I turned around and gave her a last hug.Then pull away.And started walking towards my new direction.
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Alison pov
you know when you make a wrong choice but it's too late to change
when she left me in the park I couldn't think about anything I just keep remembering. the way she looked before saying goodbye for the last time and i realized that i just made the biggest mistake but what is done is done i can't take it back i remain in the park crying until my mom called and told me to came back home.