the story is about Emily Fields who is madly in love with her best friend Alison Dilaurentis but never had courage to tell her.
They will face lots of difficulties but the most important question is will they end up together.
read to know what hap...
When I open my eyes I saw Emily's arm wrap it around my waist I couldn't stop the smile that appear in my face yesterday was the best and Emily's energies was so high we orgasms four times and now I'm feeling so sore my tought got interrupted by Emily
"good morning babe"
" good morning love "
she umwrap her arms from my waist and get up and kisses my forehead and smiles lovingly at me " I love you so much "
"I love you too "
"oh f*** I forgot to give you that"
she get out from the bed and take her pants and pull out a box "
"I wanted to give you these when there were fireworks but I forgot I'm sorry"
" hey it's ok everything you have done it so much I couldn't believe that I have the most amazing girlfriend ever"
she smiles at me then suddenly
" I got a an amazing idea"
" and what's the idea "
"I wanted to give you this in one special moment but I forgot to give you yesterday so did you remember when we saw that Indian film where they got married like they walk around circles and give each other promises I want to do that and make this moment special I want to get married to you right here like it's not official marriage like I want to give you promise that.. that I will be always by Your Side so do you want to do this with me ?"
"why not see we have all also fires so go wear your dress get ready to be mine" she said pointing at the fire
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then she get out the bed and we get dressed then she take my hand and we take aur first round around the fire "I Promise to always love you and take care of you"
the second round "I promise to always be by your side when we are poor or rich in Sickness in health"
third round" I promise to never cheat on you "
4 round "I promise to take care of your family as mine" then Emily go behind me and we start walking again
5th round" I promise to give you all the happiness I can afford " emily was about to speak but I stopped and said my own promise to her 6th round" I promise to be with you forever"
7 round is one of the most important" I promise to always trust you before anyone else "we said the promise in unison after the 7 promise Emily open the necklace box and pull out the necklace that was beautiful and there was writing EMISON
"oh my god this is beautiful"
" I know right do you know what's that mean"
"of course I know that's mean Emily + Alison I love you so much"
" and I love you too " then she help me to wear the necklace
"now you're mine we'll never break these promises and I know one day I will get married with you and I will tell vows in front of everyone we will look at each other eyes and we'll finally get married but I know for that there is lots of times but for now i'm happy with this so-called marriage ......oh I was about to forgot to tell you I have to go to california at my family friend house so this summer I will be not in rosewood I wanted to spend the summer with you but you know the family is also important but I promise the Senior Year we will be always together and Saturday I have soccer game so I'll be not able to hang out with you ok so until Saturday I'll be busy but don't worry I'll try to be with you every time possible!"em
"Why u have to go i wanted to spend the summer with you other than that you will be busy with soccer ughhh "ali
"I'm sorry but you know that I don't have any choice "em
"I know by the way why u wanted to have this indian type unofficial marriage?"ali
"Because they believe that they will be bond in eternal love like every time they die they will get back alive and get married to the person they got married so this concept seems interesting so I wanted to try because if this is true then i want to spend my life with you or in every life i will born i want you by my side"emily
"Really you always want to spend your life with me after everything i did to you?and if something happen and we get separate? "Ali
"Of course I want If i didn't want to why will I make this promises i love you and only you if i imagine my future there will be always you yes you hurt me a lot but you're the only one that i give the permission to hurt me and if something happens I know that i will always find my way back to you " emily
"I love you too and i want to spend my life with you too"ali
A/n Sorry for the mistakes and thanks for reading,voting and comments !!