the story is about Emily Fields who is madly in love with her best friend Alison Dilaurentis but never had courage to tell her.
They will face lots of difficulties but the most important question is will they end up together.
read to know what hap...
I wake up the by the feeling that someone is moving so i opened my eyes and saw Emily is going somewhere so I decided to follow her .
The road that I was walking was beautiful I was so lost in the landscape that I did not see That Emily realized that I was following her
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"Why are you following me ?"
"Hmm I thought to go on walk because I couldn't sleep "I lie hopping she will believe me
"'O' then why were you doing my same journey?"
"Because I don't know this place so if you don't mind can I come with you ?"
"Are you sure you want to come with me ?"
"But I'm not sure if I want to take you, you know I just take people who trust me "
" I trust you"
" if you trusted we will be together now"
"Em I know i made a terrible mistake by trusting the wrong person but believe me if those things doesn't happen I will never stopped trusting you , I lov-"
"Why Ali those promises that we take with each other where we promise to stay together, to love each other and most importantly never stop trusting each other it didn't mean anything to you?"
" PLEASE Believe me when i say I trusted you more than anything but have you ever thought to think from my point of view ! What would have you done if you listen by mistake your girlfriend in a phone call with someone and you listen her talking about something suspicious, than the person you thought was your friend tried to blame your girlfriend ,that I do not think you could have ever done ,but what would you do if the next day you see That your worst nightmare has become true. I swear if in this matter ,my family was not involved I would came to you to confronted you but I was afraid that if I came to you i won't had the courage to do something right for my family . I couldn't risk their future so I had to be strong and do the right thing even if I was suffering, my heart said that you could not do such a thing even after seeing you give the money to that man but my brain wanted revenge, I'm sorry for listening to my brain instead of my heart, I'm sorry that I chose my family instead of me , I know I always end up doing some mistakes but please trust me when i say that I love you nothing in this world can change that , also when we were not together I never stopped loving you I tried everything to forget you but always I found myself thinking about you, so please give me another chance to win you and your trust back I promise this time I won't messed up because I can't leave without you not after knowing that I lost you for my mistakes "i finish with a cracked voice i was on my knee with my head down down crying
" I don't know what to say but I remember something my grandpa always said that there was saying that you can't clap with one hand I didn't knew what he meant by that but now I know every action got a consequences but still if you where having doubt on me perhaps I had given the reasons why you would doubt me but only if you came to ask me for an explanation than to jump to the conclusion we could be together now" she said I looked at her as she whipped her tears away and gave me her hand to get up