the story is about Emily Fields who is madly in love with her best friend Alison Dilaurentis but never had courage to tell her.
They will face lots of difficulties but the most important question is will they end up together.
read to know what hap...
In this chapter there will be some smut so if you don't want to read skip!
Noel Kahns party
Narrator's pov
After everyone get ready they came to noel's party and Emily came with her new car ,Lamborghini aventador and with Rachel inside ,everyone eye's were on Emily because they tought she was not that rich so it was a shock for everyone
" hey em who's car is this"ask noel
" mine"she shrugging
"how"he asked not believing what he is hearing
"long story now can i get inside and enjoy the party?"said Emily getting annoyed
" yes of course?" He said confused
Noel will never tell to anyone how jealous he was of Emily ,first because alison will always talk about her and he knew that alison was in fact in love with her ,second because she is the hottest player in the school and lots of girl have a crush on her and she doesn't even lead them on like he does and play the perfect good guy that make every girl go crazy for her and third she always take away spotlight from him for this he always tries to subdue her by saying something about her family situation , "that she compare to him it's nothing" but Emily has never give a shit about what he says and of course alison doesn't know about that otherwise she won't ever date him , anyway today he was amazed when he saw her coming down from that car and there's only one question that was playing in his mind was
"how did she get that?"
Neol s outfit
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Emily's outfit
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Rachel outfit
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