the story is about Emily Fields who is madly in love with her best friend Alison Dilaurentis but never had courage to tell her.
They will face lots of difficulties but the most important question is will they end up together.
read to know what hap...
Read author note at the end of the chapter it's important
Emily's pov
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"It's beautiful isn't it" I said behind Alison making her jump
" fuck you you scared the shit out of me" she said punching my arm
"ouch" I said rubbing the spot she hit
"how did you even find me"
" I will find you wherever you are"
"oh really what if someone kidnap me and I'm in danger you haven't the slightest idea where I'm so what are you going to do"
" I'm going follow my Instinct like now"
" hmm I hope when I'm really in danger"
" it will because if something like that happen I promise I will find you no matter what"
She looked at me trying to find if I'm serious or joking but I'm dame serious I can't let her happen anything it doesn't matter if we are together or not I'm always going to go protect her till the day I die
" I I think we should go back to the camp it's getting late" she said breaking the silence
' I guess" I said not wanting to leave this place
" I'm so tired" I said stretching and getting in the tent
" me to" she said comi behind me
We get ready and get under cover
" em can I cuddle with you I'm freezing she said pouting and gave me her best puppy eyes that I can never say no
" come here " I said opening my arms she didn't waste any time and hugged me tightly and her warmth get mixed with mine
Something never change uhh
I wake up missing the warm of Alison and get out of the tent searching for
After looking everywhere I couldn't find her the only time place that I didn't look is the lake so went there
When reach the lake I saw Alison's shoes I take another step and find her shorts I continue walking and find
Then I looked up and Alison swimming all naked she stopped she was covered by the water and took a deep breath she was going to swim again but first looked around and her gaze stopped at me
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