the story is about Emily Fields who is madly in love with her best friend Alison Dilaurentis but never had courage to tell her.
They will face lots of difficulties but the most important question is will they end up together.
read to know what hap...
I was sitting alone on the bench after came back from the party and I didn't change my clothes because I was stopped by watching the rain it's so relaxing and refreshing I love the smell of rain, I don't why some people don't like the rain maybe they think it's sad but they don't understand without the rain there will be no rainbow like every relationship without up and down there relationships will never be a real relationship because bad times or distance make you grow stronger
" watching the view alone" someone said I turned
"Emily ...." I breathed out she was leaning her shoulder and head on the pillar looking at me with a smile
"Wanna join"
"of course but it's no fun just watching"
" so what do you suggest"
"Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops." she said and I shaked my head
she smirk and splash water on me
"oh no you're gonna pay for this Fields"
" oh really but first you have to catch me" she start running and I follow her but she is too fast
Think something
Thi- I know what to do I start walking in the middle of the rain and faked that I hurt my knee
"what happened"
" I felt" she run toward me and kneel down and I trow the mud in her face and start laughing
Revenge bitch
" ha ha funny"
"you're right it's funny" then she looked at me and smirked...... again before she could do anything I get up and run but she grabbed me from behind stroke the mud in my arms then slowly her hand went up in my neck
I swear I was getting hot every second
I turn and face her she wrapped her arms around me lifting me higher start spin around I wrapped my arms around her neck afraid that she will let me fall but I know she won't
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"OK ok now stop my head is spinning " She put me down we looked at each other and started laughing then she stop and looked at me the rain drops traveled from her head to my nose
We were so cough at the moments that we didn't realize we have audiences till he decided to clear his throat
" Miss fields your grandmother is calling for you" she looked at him and nodded
"tell her I'm coming few minutes later" and turned to me
"and you go to your room and take hot shower I don't want you to get cold" I nodded and kissed her cheek before leaving