the story is about Emily Fields who is madly in love with her best friend Alison Dilaurentis but never had courage to tell her.
They will face lots of difficulties but the most important question is will they end up together.
read to know what hap...
"Em where are you taking me " said Alison after after walking ten minutes with blindfolded eyes
"I'm going to be your soul mate so I want all your bad memories replaced by good one so continue walking you will find out soon" replied Emily with a convince voice
After walking for few minutes the couple stopped and Emily took Alison blindfold off also taking her breath away
"em please i don't wanna stay here please let me go" said Alison moving away from Emily but she pulled her back hugging her from behind
"calm down this time I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you" she said with a protective voice making Alison relax in her arm
"I know you want but why are we here? You know what was going to happen to me" said Alison remembering what happened with Elliott when they came for camping
"I know and like I said before I want your bad memories replaced by good.... Honestly I wanted to say I want to take your all your bad feelings but I know that's impossible so maybe I can change little bit with this camping so now stop thinking and start to enjoy the view "
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" what the fuck em you made me walk all the way here when you already have a jeep parked here" said the blonde getting angry
"yep I though you should start working out I don't want my future wife to be a blonde bear" said èmily trying to not laugh while Alison start punching her from anger
"you are saying that I'm fat" she said with a low voice like she was going to cry that made Emily scared that maybe she hurt the blondie's feelings
" no no I'm sorry i was joking I took you here by walking because I thought it will be romantic and I don't care if you became the most fattest person ever I would still love you the same and other than that I won't be needing any pillow because you will become my personal favourite pillow " said Emily as fast could making Alison chuckle
" you think you're the only one who can joke than think again field I know you better than you know yourself so I knew you don't care for my appearance but you were trying to make fun of me so I thought why don't give you your own medicine, that's why I used your weakness which is.. Me " she said kissing Emily
" wants me to show your's " said Emily letting her hand roam under Alison shirt
" yes " said Alison moaning when Emily left a bite in her neck
Alison's pov
I wake up in the tent and feeling extremely good and exhausted after our amazing night then my eyes landed on Emily who is looking outside and let me say something she looks amazing
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