the story is about Emily Fields who is madly in love with her best friend Alison Dilaurentis but never had courage to tell her.
They will face lots of difficulties but the most important question is will they end up together.
read to know what hap...
It's been one week after what happened with emily i still feel hurt and I can't even imagine what em is going through or feeling, i know i really hurt her really bed but i didn't know what to do, i was feeling guilty but for who? for noel or emily because i had sex with noel __ __ why should i feel guilty for emily we weren't even together !!!!!
At school
" did you guys know anything about em" aks aria
" hmmm no she didn't came to school the whole week and neither answered my phone calls or massages do you think something happened to her?" spencer asked with concern feeling her voice
Where is she i know i hurt her but hiding from me it's not a solution
i mentally sigh
" no i don't think so she would came around when she recovers fro-" hanna stop talking whe she realize what she just said,i think em told her but if she told her why is she soo calm around me, i know her very well when someone Hurt em she became beasts and beats the shit out of them
my thought get stop bye the loud roar sound of a car i turn to see who is he or....
she ___ it was Emily, who was looking f****** good my jaw dropped when i saw her when she come out from her Lamborghini, she was wearing full black clothes
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and start to walk towards us but a girl stop her , the girls star talking but she seems annoyed by her and suddenly she yells
" it was fucking one night stand if you think that after that i will start loving you then you are wrong...VERY WRONG because in one week i fucked more then 20 girls that doesn't mean i will start loving you understand or not? " and the girl started crying for a second she look startled and her Features suddenly softened
" hey I'm sorry but please don't cry I'm not a good person im sure you will find someone better than me I'm just a fuck girl who doesn't believe in love....... anymore " em said calm and yet with a soft tone and then she whipped the tears from the girl cheeks
" can i have at least a kiss please " em nod and kissed her
" what happened to her wasn't she the one who used to tell that she will wait for her true love and now she fucked more then 20 girls wow just wow" spencer said shaking her head
" no she is just hurt she thinks that maybe fucking every girl will make her forget the whore who broked her heart " hanna
how dare she calling me a whore when is emily who is behaving like that it's hurt more because all this time i was sad for her thinking she was same
Boy I was mistaking she was busy enjoying fucking other girls
"Care to explain what are you talking about?" Aria
" a week ago i went to em s house and found her drinking alcol from her parents collection then i ask what happen and she start crying after few hours she calm down and start telling me the story that she finally got the girl she love and lost their virginity together but the next day the girl call her to came to the park and told her that she wants give her bf a chance so she didn't argue and leave her before that she was planning to take her on a special date and ask her to be her girlfriend and confess her real feeling that she wasn't just her crush she was the person she loved more than anything and hell she even imagine a their whole life together " she suddenly stop because emily came up i want to kill my self now for hurting her wait did she just... said that she lost her virginity to the girl she loves and wanted to take her on a date to ask her to became her girlfriend and confess that she loved her
how can i be so stupid that i couldn't see the love in her eyes that was pleading me to stop when i was telling about noel that i didn't break up and worse I had sex with him
i have to make everything right i have to get her back the girl i lov__like " ali are you coming or not " said hannah " hmm yes"
In the aisle
" you can't believe how good and long she was"said some random girl
" maybe but first i have to try and see myself " said the girl next to her they were really good looking strange that i never noticed them around , then suddenly a girl came and ask
" who are you talking about?" " who do you think?" " Emily fields?" " of course who else one night with her--" I punch the locker from anger and everyone turn to my direction to see me and there was standing emily with worried expression she came running to me " what the hell ali" she take my hand in her and i realized that i was bleeding
" come with me " "noo" come with me" she said with a serious voice i shake my head then she suddenly pick me in bridal style and start to walk towards the infirmary " put me down " I said trying get away " no" she said firmly and the grip around my body getting stronger " go fuck the girls that are waiting for you " I said in anger trying to hide the pain that was causing me "someone is jealous but you are more important than fucking any girl" she said and put me down in the bed then a nurse came and cleaned my hand
" why are you so nice with me after what i have done to you ?" I asked sincerely looking at her beautiful eyes "Because we are best friend before anything and you know i like to forget thing's that i regret "
" so you regret what happened between us"
" what would be your answer if you were in my position " she ask and room filled with silence because i didn't have an answer so i prefered to remain in silence