the story is about Emily Fields who is madly in love with her best friend Alison Dilaurentis but never had courage to tell her.
They will face lots of difficulties but the most important question is will they end up together.
read to know what hap...
So today was a day when mine and Alison family where going to dinner in a very fancy restaurant I'm not nervous or anything because we have known each other for god knows how long so it's just a dinner nothing to worry but there something that is haunting me because I lied to Allison I said to her that I was going to California but I was going to have HamTom's to my grandparents house it wasn't totally a lie I'm just waiting the day when I will have the power to tell her the truth about me but I am afraid that she will behave differently with me and I don't want and I'm afraid about what the fortune teller told me I don't want to lose Alison I mean till you sign
Emily's pov
"I don't want to go i don't believe in hand reading"
"Believe me i think she really can read just try for me"
"Ok "
Then i enter and sit down she take my hand
" you will suffer a lot because of the girl you love but if you want to prevent from suffering tell her the truth about you or when she wants your forgiveness at least try to give her a chance because in this story she will suffer a lot maybe more than you"
"I don't know what will happen in the future but right now I think I should live in the present and leave the future in the future "I told myself weather week that I start to get ready for the dinner
I was driving with my parents when my phone rang
"Mum can you please see who's calling"
" sure honey "
"it's Alison"
" answer and ask why is she calling and tell her that I'm driving and I can't speak "
"ok "
"Hi em"
"Hey Alison it not emily it's pam she is driving why are you calling"
"Oh hi Pam i just call to inform that we were already at the resturante "
"Oh we Will be there in few minutes"
" Ok"
"Bye "
When we arrived at the restaurant I saw Allison parents where waiting
"hi Where is Alison"
I think in the bathroom oh no she's there "
I turn my head and see she is in a red wine dress with a necklace she was looking gorgeous
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I just zoned out until my mother's nap it out
" oh sorry I was just thinking "
"you were thinking or you where just staring at Alison "my mum said and Jessica wink at me
"no "and with that I start blushing then how is on come toward me and kissed my cheeks
" what about we go in our table" I try to change the subject
Alison's pov
Emily was looking so handsome today I just wanted to kiss but there where are parents so I decided to give herpes in the cheeks
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We were sitting in the table and our parents were talking about something me and Emily were playing with our hands under the table and smiling like idiots then Emily turn to my parents and start Talking to them
" I want to invest in this Mrs teliar s company but I don't want lost profit because they want 30 millions dollar and if I take the risk and it goes wrong I can lose lots of money and my shares" dad
"I think you should offer 10 millions it's the most convenient price right now I know there company were really famous I think you are not going out lost any profit it will be amazing if you if you crack that price I think you'll get the profit you can get like um 50 million in just 3 months and I don't think there's any way you can lost your shares I'm pretty sure when any other company we'll see what have you done you can Join more powerful company"em
"How did you know that they will accept 10000000 if they are asking 30 millio"
"I'm pretty sure there market value is 30 million but they just lost 25 million last month and if they continue like that they will go in debit so there only option is to sold and get what they get because no one wants to invest right now so there in very tight position so they don't have any other option "
"oh Emily I didn't know that you are into business "
"Hmmm __oh it's just I like to read And watch business news so I learnt few things she nervously respond"
"your calculation is right but I don't think they will accept 10 million "
3how about we made a bet I will go with you and buy less than ten million"
"ok if you do it I will let you and" Alison go in France at my vacation house for one week
"deal "
"by the way when I have to come with you "em
"then see you on Thursday "
"Get ready to lose" my father winks and Emily smirks
A/n Sorry for the mistakes and thanks for reading and voting