A new beginning.

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He searched around the small cafe for a second and I rolled my eyes. Typical Ronald. I waved and caught his eye. His eyes widened a bit, but walked over and sat down next to me without a word. I bit my lip, he looked so different. 

"Wow, you look really..." he said, but didn't finish. His eyes scanned me, trying to take my appearance in. Not in the way Charlie did when he thought I looked hot, but in a way that said that he almost thought he'd never see me again. 

"Thanks. You look different." I stated. He raised an eyebrow. 

"Is that a good thing?" he asked. His hair was longer and darker, but cleaner. His eyes were now rimmed with thick black eyeliner. He had a teardrop tattoo next to one of his eyes, as well as several other tattoos that covered his arms and chest, as well as "BANG BANG" tattooed across his knuckles. I could see the tattoos on his chest clearly because his black, sleeveless shirt dropped at an unholy level. When he'd walked over, I noticed he was wearing red Doc Martin's and black jeans so tight, you could almost see him chafing.

"Yes, definitely." I answered honestly. He grinned. 

"I especially like your teardrop tattoo. It's creative." I said, casually. He chuckled. 

"What's so funny about that?" I demanded. 

"Nothing. It's just that the teardrop is probably the least creative tattoo I have. I like to think that I sort of earned it." he said, drumming his fingers lightly on the table. I was about to speak, but the waitress returned, eyeing Ronald up uneasily. 

"What can I get you?" she asked in a small voice. We just ordered a cup of coffee each, and she scuttled away. 

"That sounds...intriguing. What have you been up to in the last 10 years, Ronald?" I asked casually. He smiled at me softly.

"It's Ronnie now." he corrected me. I smiled and motioned for him to continue. 

"Well. Let's see. I got in a band with Max. We got famous, released  a record, started doing hardcore drugs. I got in a fight, some dude died, everyone involved got put on parole, I left the state, got thrown in prison for two years, got kicked out of my band, my old band's new singer talked shit about me every night while I spent my time getting off the drugs, quit smoking, quit drinking, made a new band, got out of prison, we made an album, got famous. Now I'm here." he said casually. The waitress came back and put our drinks down and walked off while I was gaping at him. 

"You say that all so casually." I said, feeling guilty. He shrugged. 

"I'm over it. I mean, I'm still bitter towards my old band and their new singer, and a few other people, but I'm trying hard. I was a scum bag, but I think I'm getting better." 

"I wish we'd kept in contact..." I murmered. He laughed bitterly.

"Annie, cut the bullshit. You didn't care about me at all in high school, and you were glad to be rid of me at the end of the year. I could have died, and you would have said 'oh that's a shame' and then not thought about me ever again. Don't deny it." he challenged me. I couldn't. 

"I'm sorry for how I treated you, Ronnie, it was wrong. But I'm glad you've turned your life around." I said calmly. His face softened a bit and he smiled. 

"Thanks, Annie." he said with a sad smile. I honestly felt bad for him. I reached out and touched his hand, trying to ignore the smile that lit up his face when I did. 

"Look, maybe Annie and Ronald weren't too good friends, but how about Annette and Ronnie give it a go?" I said with an encouraging smile. He grinned back and closed his hand around mine. 

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