I have to make way too many decisions.

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A couple hours later, Ronnie shook me awake. 

"Wake up, babe. We're back." he said softly. I groaned slightly and let him envelope me into his arms and carry me out of the van and into the hotel. When we got in, I vaguely heard the receptionist ask him to put me down, and vaguely heard him tell her to go fuck herself. I fell asleep after that, but when I woke up again, I was wrapped in Ronnie's arms and he was talking to me. I kept my eyes shut so he wouldn't know i was awake, because he might stop talking. 

"I know you don't love me. I know that, I'm not stupid and I'm not blind. And I know it sounds rediculous, but I don't mind. I just want you to be happy, so if you're happy, I'm happy. It hurts that I'll never be good enough for you, but I can live with it as long as you're happy. I love you so much." he said, stroking my hair. I bit my lip to try and supress tears. I needed to tell him. I was about to start speaking, when my phone chimed. I pretended to wake up and rolled over to answer the phone. 

"Hello?" I said. 

"Annette. When are you coming back into work?" snapped Susan. I sighed. 

"I don't know. I'm kind of homeless right now."

"Well you need to come back or you're fired."


"The boss says you have until Friday." she said curtly. 

"Okay. I'll let you know what's going on." I sighed and hung up.

"Morning." Ronnie said weakly, kissing my forehead. I checked my phone - it was 10am. 

"Morning." I replied with a smile. He bit his lip. 

"I have something to tell you." he said awkwardly. I raised an eyebrow. 


"We're going home." he announced. 

"Oh. Right. When's that?" I said casually. 

"Friday." he answered. I froze. 

"I want you to come with me." he said with a smile. I looked at him, mouth agape. 

"But I'd have to quit my job if i lived with you!" I protested. He got a sad look across his face. 

"I know. It's just a suggestion. If you choose to stay here, we'll make this work, I promise." he said fiercely. 

"Ronnie, I..." I began, but he held up a hand to silence me. 

[[Hey, sorry it took so long! I've been sosososo busy. Just a warning, this one gets very sexual towards the end and a little bit at the beginning, so yeah. Just to warn you there.]]

"Don't answer now. Think about it." he said. I nodded. We both got out of bed and got ready. Once I put on fresh underwear, I pulled on my white sweater with a big black moustache across the chest, and my black skinny jeans. Then I put on a pair of socks and my creepers and threw my old clothes in the laundry basket. I skipped into the bathroom, cleaned off and re-applied my make up and brushed my hair and teeth. When I came back out, Ronnie was sitting on his bed, a serene smile on his face. He was wearing a black vest and black skinny jeans.

"What?" I asked suspiciously. He grinned. 

"Nothing. Come here." he purred. My knees shook as I walked over to him and sat in bed with him.

"Kick off your shoes." he ordered. I kicked them off. 

"Good girl. Now, give Ronnie a cuddle." he said. I curled up into his side and let him hold me for a few minutes, before I got an idea. I let my hand wander across his chest, down his chest, across his lower stomach, onto his thighs and eventually on the front of his jeans. He gasped as I slowly moved my hand across his jeans, feeling a hard lump forming. I peeked up at him and saw him bite his lip and moan.

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